Lakeview Rural Reservation
A majestic world awaits you at Lakeview Rural Reservation. Lakeview Rural Reservation is a park-like set of multi-acre lots that are in one of the most beautiful parts of Ohio. Just outside the city of Cleveland is a rural area that will host your brand new home, and you will be nestled among the estates, farms and rural communities that ring the city. This community is very close to downtown Cleveland, but it is just far enough to provide you with a quiet place to live and escape the city grind. Owned by Joseph and Evelyn Popa since 1939, the 50-acre plot was cleared of virgin timber by Joe and Evelyn who then farmed it, built 9 lakes on the land since 1951 and in 1996 subdivided it into the 13 estate lots that are now Lakeview Rural Reservation.
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facebook.comLower Lake’s Dam Restoration, November 19, 2013-14
Plugging the Old Spillway Pipe, November 19, 2013 Now that the new spillway pipe and emergency spillway were in place and inspected, it was time to remove the temporary spillway pipe and compact the clay where the pipe had been installed. It was time for the old spillway to be plugged with cement under the watchful eye of Medina County Engineers Inspector Metz. [ 265 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Dam Restoration, Part 8, 2013
Inspection of the Emergency Spillway November 18, 2013 Medina County Engineers Inspector Metz stands in the emergency spillway for his inspection. This is a close up of the emergency spillway on which the rest of the work for the installation will be done. This photo is of the hooded inlet spillway pipe and its relationship to the emergency spillway. This photo is of the hooded inlet spillway pipe and its relationship to the rock-covered dam. [ 333 more words. ]
Lower Lake Restoration, Part 7, 2013
Clearing Muck Dam, November 11, 2013 With the basic clay installed, the truck dance could slow to one truck, carrying the muck dam that Kodiak had created to hold back the water of the lake. Kodiak continued to clear the muck, and also pulled out a large log from the water. The view of the shaped dam from the West River Road hill guardrail to the north. [ 383 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Dam Restoration, Part 6, 2013
November 9th Progress on the Dam Restoration Bright and early, Kodiak was on-site to begin the removal of the original vertical spillway pipe. Temporary Lake Spillway Installed Kodiak is about to install the temporary spillway. With the many springs that feed the lower lake from the ravines on either end of the lake bringing in a constant inflow of water, the lake would fill even if there were no rain. [ 278 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Restoration, Part 5, 2013
November, New Progress, 2013 November 5th Kodiak began grinding the stumps on the dam. Medina County had required that the stumps remain in place over the 2012 winter to hold the clay of the dam. They also required that the stumps be ground such that only the outer roots would remain for removal. This photo shows the Kodiak Bearcat, with stump grinder attached busy on the next phase of the dam restoration. [ 621 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Restoration, Part 4, 2013
January, February, 2013 Emails flew back and forth between myself and Kodiak, the Lot 9 owner, Matrix Engineering, John Matricardi, Dan Willhoite of Medina County Engineers, and of course, my attorney, David Riehl as the dam restoration plans were refined for approval. Finally February, 28th the plans were declared acceptable and were mailed to me in California. March Madness, 2013… [ 2113 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Restoration, Part 3
October, 2012 On October 26, I used photos to measure approximate tree heights for the trees on the dam that Kodiak would need to remove. Bramhall had already marked each tree that needed to be removed from the dam with the fluorescent bright pink spray spot, and had provided trunk diameter measurements, so the heights of the trees, some over 60 foot needed to be known for planning the equipment needed for their work. [ 1244 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Restoration, Part 2
Waiting Game, July, August, 2012 We had a beautiful year to work on restoring the dam, very little rain but the Lot 9 owners balked at accepting their responsibility to pay their 1/4 of the cost though they had caused the extension to be placed onto the spillway raising the level of the lake. The water level was still high, due to the springs that fed the lower lake. [ 1770 more words. ]
Lower Lake’s Restoration, Part 1
Learning of a Problem, April, 2012 When my neighbor picked me up from the Cleveland Hopkins Airport on April 17th, he mentioned that the lower lake had overflowed onto West River Road earlier in the Spring. Puzzled, April 18th I contacted Mr. Dale Vassal, Liverpool Township Maintenance Supervisor whether the lake had overflowed onto West River Road. I learned that yes, indeed the lake had overflowed causing a hazard for those driving on West River Road. [ 2786 more words. ]
Lot 10 Electricity Undergrounded, 2009
Electric Transformer/Switch box Prior to the undergrounding of the electric conduit to carry service to the transformer/switch box for Lots 10 and 11, I had contacted Mr. William Schuester of Ohio Edison/First Energy Corp. regarding moving the electric service from its original supply path across the lower lake, up the hill to a utility pole in the east corner of Lot 10, then on to the home. [ 349 more words. ]
Electric, Communication Conduit Install, 2009
First Communication Conduit Bore The first set of conduit installed by Precision Directional Boring was the cable, telephone, fiber optics conduits installed between the utility pole at West River Road and the green electrical transformer/switch box near the common drive. The electric service wire had already been installed to the green transformer/switch box in the south turnaround. Below is the drilling bit exiting from the first bore. [ 1201 more words. ]
Lot 13 Communication Conduits Install, 2009
In April, 2009, following the undergrounding of the utilities by Precision Directional Boring, Kodiak installed the cable/telephone/fiber optics conduits to the Lot 13 property line. Since Kodiak would have to cross the original gas line installed to a previous purchaser of Lot 13, careful trenching was required. To minimize the impact on the common drive, Kodiak used narrow trenching to trench a slit through the West River Road common driveway. [ 150 more words. ]