Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve
Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve is 300 acres of wildlands on the former Naval Ammo Depot. History, nature, scenic vistas, hike, picnic, dogs OK. Keep up to date with what's happening at the Preserve from silly photos of the park dog Nitro blowing bubbles in the fish pond, to stupendous view shots by our friends from the majestic hilltop vistas of the surrounding 7 Bay Area counties; news of events like our SF Bay Flyway Festival, Mothers Day Tea, Mare Faire, Osprey Days, NightMARE Island, Mare Island Aglow, O'Silent Fright and more; plus yurt camping, seasonal music, teas and guided outings. Always an adventure on the Ammo Depot. Find yourself at the Preserve every Friday-Sunday and holidays. Share the treasures of this special place and why you love it so, with your friends on FB!
Tell your friends
facebook.comPhotos from Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve's post
You REALLY WANT TO KNOW! Meetings coming up to help you engage and be informed on behalf of your beloved Mare Island Preserve. We urgently invite you to participate in the two meetings, both at the Joseph Room of the John F Kennedy Library 505 Santa Clara St. in Vallejo. The first, to take place on Sept 5 is a "vision session" for the City of Vallejo's proposed Request for a new operator for the Preserve. To be clear, while they say that the Mare Island Heritage Trust is welcome to apply", this is not what we consider a collaborative process with we the current founder and operator, who is really YOU. On September 18 join our team, the Mare Island Heritage Trust and partner friends who are making every effort to ensure that You, our Preserve Users who have 100 % funded the Preserve, donated many things you believed would benefit its operations from bikes to tea towels, and you have volunteered for the Preserve have a strong voice in the continued operations. It's yours. Learn more about how we have accomplished this remarkable park founding and operation for the last 11-12 years. Learn what we think you can do and tell the community your ideas of how to continue to make the Preserve what you want and even more of what you love! Myrna HayesText or call 707-249-9633. Share this message(in a jpegfile enclosed and the attached flier. Print and post, too.
Photos from Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve's post
Late Summer eve. Building A-167 our visitor center Mare Island Preserve. Remember, as forever, we will be open Monday, Sept 2 for Labor Day.
The parking lot is filled. After the midday heat wave. The cooling breezes. Mare Island Preserve. Hey, we ARE open Monday Labor Day.
Linus reminds you that the Mare Island Preserve is a nice, nearby place to find yourself in a nature and history community. We’re open Monday, Labor Day, of course.
Peregrine Falcons are Feathered Fighter Jets, Basically
Been sighted in Mare Island Preserve lately.
Click here to support In Memory of Peter Walker organized by Skye Bernard
You know my Mare Island Preserve and many others friends, life is fleeting. I just received a call from my young Preserve user friend, Peter Walker’s sister. She called from the East Bay to share that he has passed away. And, to tell me how very much he loved spending time in our Preserve and on our San Pablo Bay Trail. I asked his name. It didn’t jump right out at me, but I Facebooked him and of course I know him. She said he mentioned my name on a number of occasions. And, he found peace in his troubled life in our Preserve spaces. He was happier calmer after he cane here. She and his family want to place a bench in his honor. That’s how we operate and that’s who we serve. Please join me in helping his family cover his funeral costs and whatever else they need to support them during this tragic and devastating time. With all my love my Peter friend. I’m feeling totally overcome with tears and just unconsolable at the moment. Myrna.
Right now Preserve People, I want to share absolutely as much of the beauty, magic and majesty of our Mare Island Preserve. It is fragile. Yet, it is strong. We are strong, even when we too feel fragile. Come spend a little time here in this stunning treasure we quietly are restored by. Let the Preserve experience soak into your being. Go a bit off the main paved trail. Find an oak to sit in or under. Find your highest goodness, your better self here. Choose to love and be loved by your Mother Nature. She and her vast family are standing by to hold you close. To show you her deepest and most profound love for you. She WILL restore you. That is your purpose together. To be as one. As we have always been. It is and has been my incredible experience to ensure that this precious place of peace is simply that for you and for me. May you find in the next 4 days we are open daily, a retreat, a restoration and a compelling reason to fight for your right to be here at the Mare Island Preserve...forever free. I’m on our side. Mother Nature is beckoning you. Together let’s share the joy!
Why doctors are increasingly prescribing nature
Thanks for your post John de John de Graaf. PARKS RX... Thanks to Steve Dunsky for should be self-evident but it isn't. This is a big part of health--the beauty of nature and green space makes us healthier. Olmsted knew that when he designed Central Park in 1858. There was a great piece on this in SIERRA magazine. Greater access to nature and support for more parks should be a big part of the Democratic agenda. Inequality is not just a matter of money--as John Muir put it: Everyone needs beauty as well as bread. thanks to PBS for covering this--Nooshin Razani's work is groundbreaking. C'mon Democrats, talk about nature, green space, parks, beauty--it's not all about jobs and money! I think people innately get this across the political spectrum and they will respond--I find this when I speak to groups all over America. Republican pollster Frank Luntz warned the Bush administration not to attack parks because they are so popular with every group of people. This is also a justice issue. If Trump wants to congratulate Russia for something let it be that Moscow has a higher percentage of space devoted to parks than any other city on earth.
California Mountain Lions
Mountain Lions on our minds lately and always in our hearts. A post by sister Preserve in SoCal.
A Battle To Protect The Environment When Housing Is In High Demand
Our very own Marcia Grefsrud. Difficult topic. She’s our heroine.
Pay Mare Island Heritage Trust using PayPal.Me
For folks like Karlyn who want to make a donation directly to the Mare Island Heritage Trust, but are uncomfortable with using Facebook now, here’s our PayPal account. Does this help?! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Think long and hard about the No-No’s. Can the Mare Island Preserve Community really survive and continue to thrive without our safe and secure hosted pilot urban camping and communal campfire program now 4 years old this Fall? Does this sign upset you? Want to help turn back the clock? The Mare Island Heritage Trust has operated the Mare Island Preserve for 11 plus years by following the guiding principles of the Mayor appointed Mare Island Regional Park Taskforce Report. We are here to stay the course. Where has everyone else been? We’ve done more than talk about the Preserve. We created it. We open it every weekend. We actually DO the walk. Walk the talk. Talk the walks and camps and bunkers and all the other simply marvelous features of this quirky place of peace. Fight hard. Really hard to keep it ours. Yours, mine. For those newborns who make their first camping experience an overnight here, to the international world traveling guests who lay their head upon our hallowed earth. We deserve the Preserve! Just as it is. A step back in time where 160 years of Naval history has gone wild! Come out to 2 meetings...both st the Joseph Room of the John F Kennedy Library 6:30-8pm. Tell your story adamantly at City Vision Session, Sept 5. Come together with us at our own public strategy meeting for our Preserve the Preserve Campaign on September 18th. Our goal is to keep the public in the Preserve. After all, we DO Deserve the Preserve!