Touro University California Alumni
Touro University California alumni are an integral component of our campus community and play an important role in the education and enrichment of our students. This Facebook page is designed to help keep you connected with your classmates and alma mater. Whether they are teachers, physicians, physician assistants, pharmacists, or public health professionals, Touro University California alumni go out into the world and change it for the better.
Our alumni are an integral component of our campus community and play an important role in the education and enrichment of our students. At Touro, we cherish our relationships with our alumni and we hope that this Facebook page will help you stay connected with your classmates and your alma mater.
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facebook.comDr. Kerisimasi Reynolds Named 2019 Top Patient Rated Silicon Valley Orthopedic Surgeon by Find Local Doctors
Touro University California
Touro University California
Touro University California
Check out this Touro Tuesday as we visited Pioneer alum Dr. Dave Duncan, DO 20012, at FCI Dublin!
New Tech Network
Congratulations to TUC Alum and Adjunct Faculty, Lisa Gottfried, GSOE 2016, for winning Best in Network in her project, "Napa Lighted Art Project", along with her students. Truly, a beautiful piece of art!
Touro University California
Comparison of Lumbar Fusion for Back Pain and Opioid Use at County and Managed Care Hospitals | The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
Congratulations to TUCOM Alum, Harjyot Toor, C/O 2016, coauthor on Comparison of Lumbar Fusion for Back Pain and Opioid Use at County and Managed Care Hospitals.
Touro University California
Touro University California
Hey Alum - Please share! The Fall 2019 semester will be starting soon and there's still time to apply to a Graduate School of Education fall program! The GSOE offers various Master's Degree Programs, Credential Programs, and Dual Credential options for future or current educators. Visit for more details and the programs available.
Air Force allows Sikh airman to wear turban and beard while serving
Lt. Col. Kamal Kalsi, DO, the president of SAVA and TUCCOM 2005 Alum continues to serve, to lead, and to teach while advocating for inclusion of religious mandated articles of faith in the Air Force. "This is a one-off individual accommodation and we're looking forward to the day when Sikhs can walk into the Air Force recruiting office and join just like any other American," he said, adding that Sikhs should "not have to choose between serving and their faith." #wearetouro #TUCAlumni #diversityandinclusion #Service #DO #COM #AirForce
Touro University California
We are proud to share Dr. Isabelle Haller, DO, Touro University California Alumni Class of 2007 was recently awarded Kaiser Permanente Thrive's 2019 Vallejo Service Hero for her dedication to her patients and support for her staff since starting at the Vallejo Medical Center in 2010. While at Touro, “I learned that the basic philosophy of osteopathic medicine is that the body is a creative self-healing entity,” said Dr. Haller. “And that my job as a doctor is to get you in the best condition we can so that you can let your body heal itself!” Learn more about her commitment to her patients at: #wearetouro #KaiserPermanente #ServiceHero #Vallejo #TUCAlumni #Community #Service #OMM #DO
Touro University California Alumni's cover photo