Upland Police Department
On behalf of the men and women of the Upland Police Department, we would like to welcome you to the Upland Police Department’s Facebook page.
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HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! From all of us at Upland PD. Hope you have a wonderful holiday.
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HELP US IDENTIFY THIS THIEF!! On 8-25-16 at about 1437 hours, the unknown suspect pictured in the flyer entered a convenience store in the 100 Blk of North San Antonio Ave. The suspect made a small purchase and then walked directly into the back room of the store while both clerks were at the counter helping customers. The suspect took a 'Michael Kors' ladies checkbook sized brown leather wallet with a gold zipper and concealed it in the front of his shorts. The suspect left the store and left in a white or silver 2013 to 2016 Ford Escape SUV. License plate is unknown. If you recognize this suspect, please contact Detective Bonhus at (909) 946-7624 Ext. 3234 or by email at jbonhus@uplandpd.org
Photos from Upland Police Department's post
Traffic Safety & Enforcement Around ALL Upland Schools Upland public schools started their new year on Monday, August 22, 2016. The Upland Police Department would like to remind drivers to watch for children walking, skateboarding or bicycling to and from school. Drivers also need to pay particular attention when driving near schools or school bus stops. If you are dropping off or picking up your children from a school, please allow plenty of time to account for the congestion. It is just as important for pedestrians, adults and children, to be safe and obey traffic laws as it is for drivers. Pedestrians should only cross streets when and where it is legal to do so, use intersections with crossing guards when possible and use care when entering or exiting vehicles. Some of the more serious violations which create the greatest danger include speeding, running stop signs, turning right on red signals without watching for pedestrians, failure to yield to pedestrians, failure to use crosswalks and failure to stop for school buses loading or unloading students. As a result of continuing complaints from parents and residents surrounding schools, officers from the Upland Police Department will be conducting strict enforcement of traffic laws around all Upland schools for drivers and pedestrians alike. Violators will be issued citations in an effort to keep the children safe.
Click here to support Upland Fallen Officer Memorial by Upland Community Foundation
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Community Policing at its Best by Officer Demoulpied One of our resident shared this story with us: "On sunday afternoon at the corner of 17th and 2nd ave, a couple of your officers stopped by my daughters lemonade stand. My daughter, son ,and two of their friends were greeted by your officers , spent a few minutes talking to them ,and even had some lemonade. Their contact with your officers was a very positive experience for them ,and was a much needed encounter that will forever impact them. I want to thank the officer for taking the time, for positively impacting my kids and letting them know that Police Officers are people too! It was a small action/jesture , but it had a significant impact in community policing, Great job UPD!!!" Great work Officer Demulpied!!
Photos from Upland Police Department's post
Hi Upland, It's Back to School time for our City. Monday, August 22, 2016 is the First Day of School. Please make sure to give yourselves plenty of time for this first week to ensure your child gets to school on time and everyone else is able to make it to their destination safely. We will be out to remind everyone to Drive Safely.
THANK YOU EVERYONE AT UUSD We @UplandPD would like to say THANK YOU!!! to everyone working for the Upland Unified School District. You helped to make the Active Shooter Training held on August 19th at Upland High School a tremendous success. Everyone involved left with a greater understanding on what it takes to survive and manage such a catastrophic incident. However, our Community can rest assured we are all better prepared to handle such an event should it occur, which we pray and hope never will. Besides the invaluable help from all the teachers, classified staff, district personnel, volunteers, we had the collaboration of numerous surrounding police and fire agencies (Montclair, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, San Manuel, and Chino). This training revealed areas of strengths and opportunities for improvement for everyone involved. Consequently, it's the lessons learned from the training that will ensure in making our schools and community safer for everyone. Once again, THANK YOU, and give yourselves a huge pat on the back. Your participation and assistance in the training will lead to innumerable positive outcomes, more than you realize, in improving the safety of your schools and community, as a whole.
Photos from Upland Police Department's post
We are continuing to progress on the Upland Police Fallen Officer's Memorial to honor Officer Ernest R. Dark, but we still need your help to payoff the construction costs. Tickets are available for the Wine and Food Festival. You can help by joining us on September 23, 2016 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in a Private Hangar at Cable Airport for the Jerry D. Mead's New World International Wine Competition. The event will be held in partnership with the Upland Chamber of Commerce and The Upland Community Foundation to benefit the The Upland Police Department's Fallen Officer Memorial. The cost of the event is $50 per person and the number of tickets are limited. If you are interested in attending the event, please contact me Sergeant Marcelo Blanco at mblanco@uplandpd.org or Officer Anthony Kabayan at akabayan@uplandpd.org to purchase your tickets. If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or Officer Anthony Kabayan at (909) 946-7624.
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Come join us at this great Back-to-School event being hosted by Sunergeo Christian Fellowship for our Community's children.
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POLICE TRAINING @ UPLAND HIGH SCHOOL DATE/TIME: August 19, 2016 INCIDENT: Active Shooter Training Exercise LOCATION: Upland High School 565 W. 11th St. Upland, CA DETAILS: On August 19, 2016 the Upland Police Department, the Upland Fire Department and the Upland Unified School District will be conducting a joint active shooter training exercise. This exercise will take place on the Upland High School campus and will involve all members of the Upland Police Department, Upland Fire Department and all Upland Unified School District teachers. The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, Montclair Police Department and Montclair Fire Department along with representatives from other law enforcement and fire protection agencies will also participate. This exercise is being conducted before the school year starts for the Upland Unified School District. This news release is being provided so as to avoid any undue concerns on the part of any members of the public who might see the exercise in progress. For more information contact the Upland Police Department’s press information officer or on-duty watch commander at (909) 946-7624 ext. 3341. Please pass the information to your family and friends
We are continuing to progress on the Upland Police Fallen Officer's Memorial to honor Officer Ernest R. Dark, but we still need your help to payoff the construction costs. You can help by joining us on September 23, 2016 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in a Private Hangar at Cable Airport for the Jerry D. Mead's New World International Wine Competition. The event will be held in partnership with the Upland Chamber of Commerce and The Upland Community Foundation to benefit the The Upland Police Department's Fallen Officer Memorial. The cost of the event is $50 per person and the number of tickets are limited. If you are interested in attending the event, please contact me Sergeant Marcelo Blanco at mblanco@uplandpd.org or Officer Anthony Kabayan at akabayan@uplandpd.org to purchase your tickets. If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me or Officer Anthony Kabayan at (909) 946-7624.
Upland Department Receive Grant to Fight Alcohol-related Crime City will receive $37,594 to Reduce Alcohol Problems The Upland Police Chief Brian Johnson announced today that the Upland Police Department has been awarded a $37,594 grant from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to battle alcohol-related crime. The grant is one of 54 awarded in California to local law enforcement agencies through ABC’s Grant Assistance Program (GAP). The grants strengthen local law enforcement efforts by combining the efforts of local police officers and ABC agents. ABC agents have expertise in alcoholic beverage laws and can help communities reduce alcohol-related problems. “The program improves the quality of life in neighborhoods,” said Acting ABC Director Ramona Prieto. “We’ve seen a real difference in the communities where the grant program resources have been invested.” The GAP Program was created in 1995 to strengthen partnerships between ABC and local law enforcement agencies. The program is designed to put bad operators out of business, keep alcohol away from minors and bring penalties such as fines, suspensions or revocations against businesses that violate the law. The funds will be used to reduce the number of alcoholic beverage sales to minors, obviously intoxicated patrons, illegal solicitations of alcohol, and other criminal activities such as the sale and possession of illegal drugs. The GAP Program has distributed over $20 million to local law enforcement to combat alcohol-related crime. ABC is a Department of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency.