Downtown Tyler, Texas
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facebook.comWe have some exciting news to share! This year we will have 50 VIP tickets for sale! These tickets will allow for: - First Pick - Early Entry - One 6x6 canvas - One entry into our prize drawing Tickets will go on sale in April! We will post the link to purchase the tickets within this event page! 🤩
Have you noticed that some of our Downtown Street lights are not working? Help us know by using this simple and effective tool! Just visit and select the light and issue then submit it!
Heart design: Cailyn Pickering Photo Credit: Chelsea Purgahn/Tyler Morning Telegraph
Tylerites! Downtown Bastrop needs our help! They are representing Texas in The Small Business Revolution competition! Help spread some love to our Texas friends! #MyBastrop #DowntownsUnite #MyTyler
Save the date! Handmade makers can apply at Come have fun with us at True Vine’s new location!