Smith Duck Farm
Smith Duck Farm in Tiverton, RI raises domestic ducks for egg production. Our flock includes Khaki Campbells, Cayugas, Runners, and Welsh Harlequins. Smith Duck Farm in Tiverton, RI raises domestic ducks for egg production. Our flock includes Khaki Campbells, Cayugas, Indian Runners, Muscovies, and Welsh Harlequins. Our ducks forage and roam freely throughout a hilltop orchard in rural Tiverton. They are never caged or confined except at night when they bed down inside to stay safe from nighttime predators. Their all-natural diet consists of bugs, insects, weeds, and grasses, supplemented by unmedicated layer pellets.
Their eggs are collected daily, hand-washed, and immediately refrigerated after washing. Our ducks are raised solely for egg production. We do not slaughter or cull any of our ducks.
All of the ducks at Smith Duck Farm receive the very best of care. We consider them our farming partners and they are all allowed to live out their natural lives.
Visitors to the farm are more than welcome, Call 401-241-3793 to schedule a visit.