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New Hampshire Veterans Home

139 Winter St, Tilton, United States
Government Organization



Serving those who served for more than 125 years, the New Hampshire Veterans Home provides  long-term care services to NH's elderly and disabled veterans. We are an intermediate, long term care facility. NHVH offers a broad range of residential, medical, and nursing care. NHVH has formalized agreements with both the Department of Veterans Affairs and local hospitals for inpatient hospitalization and specialized outpatient care. Health care services include pharmacy, dentistry, podiatry, psychiatry, and optometry.  Our resident-centered care services also include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dietary services, and spiritual care.
Admissions are open to all  veterans who have been honorably discharged, including Reserve and NH Air and Army National Guard members You do not have to have served in combat or have a service-connected disability to be eligible to apply. There is no minimum age for admission.  Applicants must be a resident of the State of New Hampshire for one  year preceding  application, or prove New Hampshire as home of record upon discharge.
An applicant’s condition(s) must be within the Home’s resources and ability to treat, and the applicant does not present potential harm to self or other residents.
Financial Certification is required: Information is available by contacting the Admissions Coordinators at (603) 527-4843


A group of New Hampshire Veterans Home residents enjoyed themselves during a trip to the new exhibits at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester on Wednesday.

WELL-PAVED -- A crew of volunteers from the Lowe's stores in Tilton and Gilford gave their time at the New Hampshire Veterans Home Wednesday to install a new patio in one of the Home's enclosed courtyard, a project that will greatly improve access to an underutilized area. The Home was this year's beneficiary of Lowe's annual community service project. The Veterans Home is grateful for the generosity.

From an afternoon costume parade around the facility to a busy evening handing out candy to hundreds of little trick-or-treaters, it was a day of Halloween fun and activities for the residents of the New Hampshire Veterans Home on Tuesday.

Join the residents and staff of the New Hampshire Veterans Home for a sweet time during our annual community trick-or-treat. Open to everyone in the Veterans Home's surrounding communities. Bring your children, their friends, their friends' friends and the neighbors' kids too. Rain or shine -- everything is indoors.

SMOOTH SHAVING -- Officers of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association of New Hampshire came to the New Hampshire Veterans Home Wednesday with a huge case of Gilette Fusion razors, with extra blade cartridges and travel cases to donate to the residents. At rear from left are David "Peeps" Peoples, commander of CVMA Chapter 5-1; Margaret "Peggy" LaBrecque, commandant of the New Hampshire Veterans Home, and Raymond "Swede" Schwendeman of the CVMA. Front, from left: Gary Simard, Al Baldinelli and Bill Bertholdt, the first vice president, sergeant at arms and president of the Home's Resident Council, respectively.

Women in Military Service for America, a nonprofit organization that supports the National Women's Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, honored the female residents of the New Hampshire Veterans Home on Monday with a ceremony celebrating their service to the country. The event also commemorated the 20th anniversary of the opening of the memorial, which does not receive federal funding. Speakers included MSgt. Linda Costello, USMC-Ret., New Hampshire Ambassador for the organization; Diane Baxter, Command Chief Warrant Officer of the New Hampshire National Guard, and MSgt. Margie Arwine, USA-Ret., a veteran of the Women's Army Corps.

Join the residents and staff of the New Hampshire Veterans Home in paying tribute to all those who have served their country, in times of peace and war, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the nation. A coffee social event precedes the ceremony, starting at 10:15. Free and open to the public.

DAV DELIVERS -- New Hampshire Disabled American Veterans donated $5,000 to the New Hampshire Veterans Home on Monday to assist in the purchase of an updated model of It's Never Too Late, a computer based recreation and entertainment system used to enhance quality of life for our residents. Accepting the donation are, from left, Paul Lloyd, chairman of the Home's Board of Managers; NHVH Commandant Margaret "Peggy" LaBrecque; Robert Guldner, immediate past DAV state commander, and Jerilyn Maynard, DAV Auxiliary respresentative on the NHVH Board. Seated in front is William Bertholdt, president of the Home's Resident Council.

New England storyteller Rebeca Rule brought her well-told tales of Berlin's history -- from its rough-hewn logging days through its heyday as the world's largest papermaking town to its ultimate demise and demoltion of the mills -- to the New Hampshire Veterans Home on Thursday, in a program made possible by New Hampshire Humanities.

‘Tūmanako,’ a seven-member family troupe of performers from New Zealand, entertained the residents of the New Hampshire Veterans Home Wednesday afternoon with a program of songs and traditional dances of New Zealand's indigenous Maori people. The special performance was arranged by Simon Leeming, New Zealand's honorary consul for New England.

CELEBRATING EMPLOYEES -- Members of the New Hampshire Veterans Home Board of Managers served pizza -- with sheetcake for dessert -- to the staff on Thursday, the annual Celebrate Employees day sponsored by the Home's Employee Benefit Committee
