Simply Focused Coaching
I am passionate about helping people organize their homes, take good care of their bodies in ways that feels simple and doable, and lead more fulfilling lives.
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facebook.comI am sad. I had to cancel Cookies and Canvas for tomorrow afternoon :-(. I needed to have 15 registered and paid on the Wine and Canvas website by last night, and it didn't happen :-( We WILL reschedule! I will keep you posted :-)
Simply Focused Coaching
It's not too late to register!
Most people are lucky to have one job that they love. I have 3! Nanny to sweet baby girl, health coach, and professional organizer. Today I had so much fun helping a client sort and box in prep for a move. Good company and such a sense of satisfaction when we finished for the day. I am so blessed :-) ❤️
Healthier for Home & Family
Are you aware that when your baby crawls on the floor that’s been cleaned with bleach, the bleach gets absorbed through their skin? Bleach is highly corrosive to skin, lungs, eyes & other mucus membranes. It increases asthma & allergy symptoms. Would you like to learn about alternatives to bleach?
Here is a great blog post on getting organized using calendars! I am already pretty good with calendars, but I got a few good ideas here. Thanks, Wendy!
A few weeks ago I held a vision board class in my office. Here is a great blog post by one of the attendees. Thanks, Wendy!
Healthier for Home & Family
Today, my office, 2pm! Come see my new space, learn some cool stuff :-)
LittleThings: Food
If I did this as a class, who would come?
Timeline Photos
I was so happy when my #focusedenergyboost came in the mail yesterday! I realized that during the week I was out of my boost that I was doing things like absent mindedly going in the wrong direction on the Pike(heading for home or work instead of going to an appointment) and missplacing things like my keys and my phone more often. I used my boost in my shake yesterday and I even felt more on the ball in regard to my business! Maybe I need to double my order so I don't run out.......
Healthier for Home & Family
One of the pieces of the puzzle that got me off my meds for depression and ADD was getting the toxic chemicals out of my house. I love my new personal care and cleaning products, and I'm spending less than I did at the grocery store :-) Join us to learn more.
Timeline Photos
I started to feel bad about missing our second workout this week, then someone liked a selfie we did way back in early November! Angelica and I have been at this for almost 6 months! We started out trying to workout everyday, but that felt overwhelming. Afraid that overwhelm my cause us to quit, we decided on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule. And while yes, we do occasionally mis a day or two, we are still at it; we keep coming back :-) So I encourage you to find the workout schedule that works for you, that will keep you coming back. And always remember that you are welcome to join us!
Healthier for Home & Family
Come learn about healthier alternatives to the chemicals in your home!