Lavenderwood Yoga
Goat Yoga is catching fire!!! KNOW that you want to! Whether you are an experienced Yogi or a beginner, yoga while relaxing with goats will give you a whole new kinda zen. Goat Yoga is catching fire!!! KNOW that you want to! Whether you are an experienced Yogi or a beginner, yoga while relaxing with goats will give you a whole new kinda zen.
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Lavenderwood Yoga's cover photo
LOVE when you come and have FUN with us!!! #adulting???
Due to EXTREME weather conditions this weekend... Goat Yoga classes are canceled. Not good for the humans OR the goaties!!!
Looking for an experienced Yoga Instructor in the Santa Barbara/Goleta Area to teach a Vinyasa Flow Yoga class. Major Requirement: Can NOT be afraid of goats! PM for details...
WE be...LIKE...Baby Goat Palooza!!!
Lavenderwood Yoga's cover photo
Goat Life
Just Picnicking..!
Goat Life
See..Goats ARE people too!!!
Eeeny, Meeny, Miny...and a few more to go! Less than one week old!!! Come join us for goat yoga on Saturday...More Baby Goats = MORE Fun!!!
Welcome to the herd Wolf KIDZ! Melissa Wolf