Oakbrook Chumash Indian Museum
The Chumash Indian Museum at Oakbrook Park provides a place to learn about the Chumash people, the original inhabitants of the Conejo Valley.
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facebook.comElias Castillo discussing the challenges of living in the missions. #SpeakerSeries
Tonight at 7, Elias Castillo discusses his book and the genocide that happened during the mission period. He will be selling and signing books.
Have you seen our updated exhibit? Students from California State University Channel Islands dedicated many of their weekends to paint us this amazing mural! Our mannequin is back in his “home”. Come see for yourself! Open today 12-4.
Nature hike planned for today is rescheduled due to low attendance. Please check our website for new date.
Come out and join us for Ethnobotany Day - make a plant bookmark, sample native plant treats and smell native soaps!
Preparations are underway for a beautiful weekend at Malibu Bluffs Park. Stop by and see us, crafts for kids! #Chumash Days #Powwow
Visit our museum table at this weekend's event!
Dr. Henry-Rodriguez has been a previous speaker at the museum. Join our Speaker Series talk on April 26th to learn more about cultural revitalization through language.
Ever wonder how Chumash made their stone tools? Stop by the museum today to watch an expert flint-knapper! Demonstrations start at 10:30
Don't let the rain stop you! Our monthly speaker series is still on. Speaker starts at 7pm and you don't want to miss it! #thousandoaks #conejovalley #venturacounty #chumashindianmuseum #museum #missions