Virtual Academy of Lafourche: St Mary
Information about the Virtual Academy of Lafourche St. Mary Support Site.
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facebook.comSite Director Evaluation: Al Carter, St Mary Site:As I complete my first year as the St. Mary Site Director I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Survey
St. Mary parents, students, staff, and community please take a few minutes to complete this Site Director's Evaluation. As I complete my first year I would like to get your feedback. Thanks, Al
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Virtual Academy of Lafourche
Virtual Academy of Lafourche
Virtual Academy of Lafourche
Virtual Academy of Lafourche
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VIRTUAL ACADEMY OF LAFOURCHE ST. MARY SUPPORT SITE STUDENT PICK UP LINE: IN THE INTEREST OF YOUR CHILD’S SAFTY THE FOLLOWING MUST BE FOLLOWED. • Turn off loud music • DO NOT use Cell phone while waiting and picking up your child • Drive at a slow, safe pace • Pay attention to the Traffic Monitor • Wait in holding line until called by Traffic Monitor • Pay attention to Parking Staff • Do not pick up child until you have come to a complete stop Al Carter, M.Ed. Site Director