ShowStopper's Lash & Spa Riley's Bling Couture
We service our clients with Men and Women Haircuts, Color and Styles. Also we do Lashes, facials, waxwings and more...We also offer B12 Shots, Botox.
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Showstoppers Lash and Spa in the Texas City parade!!
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Showstopper’s Lash and Spa is hiring for Lash Stylist. Send resume or inbox for details..
We have openings this week for cuts, colors, facials, eyebrow tinting and eyelash extensions. Let me know if you would like to book! It's the perfect time to get a facial! Right after the Thanksgiving indulgence and right before the holiday parties start. ❤ Text me if you would like to book or for more info. (409) 621-6131
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Make your appointment today!! Call to schedule!!
Make your appointment today!!
Long great holiday hours at Showstoppers Lash and Spa!!
Have a couple of a appointments left before the holiday!!! Book today!!
Make your appointment today!!