Hector P Garcia Elementary School
Hector P. Garcia is an Elementary School in Temple ISD. We are a Dual Language Academy where students are becoming bilingual in Spanish and English.
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Enjoying a Mariachi surprise!
Lamar band!
Mary did you know - sung by Lamar trio
Lamar sounds great!
Lamar Middle School came to visit the 5th graders for a concert!
It's awesome to have past teachers visit and read to our students!!
Howdy! Garcia will be following the TISD early dismissal schedule this Friday, Dec. 1, 2017, for the football game that night. Garcia students will be dismissed at 2:15. Please check the attached link to check the other school campuses with their dismissal times. http://www.tisd.org/apps/news/article/789904
Congratulations to Garcia Gators for collecting the most food for a good cause!