Downtown Taunton Foundation
The Downtown Taunton Foundation is a nonprofit organization promoting the social, cultural, and economic revitalization of Downtown Taunton, Massachusetts. The Downtown Taunton Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 2011. We engage in programs that promote the arts, strengthen small business, eliminate blight, create affordable housing, and improve overall quality of life in our neighborhood.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.'" -Lydia Sweatt
Next month, we have an awesome event headed your way! Check it out:
If you really want to start a business, you need to address the reasons you think you can't start a business and get rid of them. Find a solution to the issue rather than let it hold you back.
We pleased to announce that The Arbors has recently signed on as one of our Summer Concert Series sponsors! Thank you to this local business for supporting our mission in downtown Taunton!
#MotivationMonday "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." -John Maxwell
May your troubles be less and blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Just a reminder, one of our Downtown favorite's, Tuxtowne, is open during their remodeling. Be sure to stop by and see Jose for your formal-wear needs...and don't just go out, go out on the Towne!
Did you know D & D's Diner on Broadway is open until 8 pm tonight? Lots of yummy seafood specials for those observing the Lenten Season or for those who just like seafood! Check it out!
Lots happening Downtown for St. Patrick's day!
Celebrate St. Pat's Day in Downtown Taunton!