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LSSM - Legacy School of Supernatural Ministry

2702 Causeway Center Dr, Tampa, United States
Specialty School



ACTIVATING a generation so that the SUPERNATURAL becomes the NATURAL, and RELEASING them to REVEAL Heaven on Earth! LSSM is a Holy Spirit driven ministry school where multi-generational students (adult of all ages) come to learn how to live in the Kingdom of God and extend it’s borders through a hands-on supernatural lifestyle. One of LSSM core values is honor, which manifests through joining the generations and teaching every age group to value and serve one another.

LSSM builds on foundational revival cultures, equipping you with the core values and concepts needed in order to lead a thriving Christian Life. Bethel Leadership Development Alumni as well as BSSM 3rd year Alumni will train you to upgrade your ability to believe for the impossible, guide you in reengineering your life or organizational structure, and arm you with time-proven leadership methods to steer you into your Kingdom destiny.

The intended outcome of LSSM is that you increasingly discover truth, are filled with hope, and that this results in you and your organization experiencing greater levels of heaven's influence. This outcome will be achieved as each class & experience increasingly guide you in examining your personal beliefs, what you are choosing to build, and how you are building it. Our online classroom lead by Bethel Church leaders will be available to you 24-hours a day to help you fully grasp the topics. Also, you'll have the opportunity to gather weekly with peers to deepen your understanding, impartation and hands-on experience. Additionally, you'll have the blessing of sitting under some of the world's most respected and anointed speakers.

~We provide hands-on training & activation partnered with biblical    academic understanding

~Classes are led by Bethel Church Leadership Development Alumni, Mentors and 3rd Year Interns

~LSSM is building on foundational revival cultures with time-proven leadership methods

~Experience: Hands-on practice of skills, gifts, and leadership

~Opportunity: Create greater access to you, and access to your world

~Anointing: Increase your anointing and receive from a diversity of giftings and leadership styles

Enroll today and upgrade your ability to believe for the impossible!

LSSM currently offers part-time evening studies at Legacy Church-
Monday's from 6:30 to 9:30pm



NEAR LSSM - Legacy School of Supernatural Ministry

Willie T's Barbershop

Tampa, United States
Beauty, Cosmetic & Personal Care