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4th and Elm Church of Christ

400 Elm St, Sweetwater, United States
Religious Organization




Here are a few photos from the Base Camp Return! Click here to see!

Food can be fun, too!

4th and Elm Church of Christ Announcements View this email in your browser This Sunday Evening! Friends, This event has sort of snuck up on us! The summer has been so busy that I have not done a very good job of promoting the Citywide Acapella Singing Night! Please make your plans to join us and to invite your neighbors and friends. I have sent emails to the ministers of the local churches of all denominations inviting them to join us. We have a couple of important goals for this event. The first is that we (the people of Nolan County) need to sing. God has placed that need deeply in our hearts. We do not just need to listen. We do not just need to sing well. Even if we do not sing well, we are powerfully moved by God to sing. We are creating opportunities to sing with our whole hearts! The second goal is for the believers of Nolan County to have an opportunity to see each other, to be together, to honor God together. It reminds us of our strength. We are not in this work by ourselves. The Spirit of God is at work in Sweetwater. Singing together is a way for us to let that Spirit dwell in us in powerful ways. Ephesians 5:18–20 (NRSV) “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Sunday evening! 6:00pm. Please join us! Michael

Off to Base Camp....

A few from OpCamp Monday! Click here!

Click here for a few photos from the children at play tonight! Melanie Gibson, Will Morris, Stephanie Orbison Baker, Jaime Lawrence Ince, Brittany Hall Weaver

The warehouse is a busy building and is used in a variety of ways in our community. It's currently in need of a good cleaning and some reorganization. We need your help this Saturday. Tell us in the comments when you will be able to make it. Thanks in advance.

A trip to Global Samaritan with these students today.....75 boxes of food and hope colored on will be sent to our neighbors in Iraq. Will Morris Mackenna Paige Hodges Brian Niedert Brittany Hall Weaver Jaime Lawrence Ince Steve Gleaton #foodandhope #globalsamaritan

God has turned the ac on to 84 degrees for 6pm at the Gibson back porch! Come join us tonight for fellowship, food, and fun!

Last night of camp! It's been a great week.

Puppet selfies - now what crazy CHAOS is going on!! Stephanie Orbison Baker Blair Gibson Jaci Chapman Darian Petty Amanda Wilburn Fullwood Jennie Monroe Brian Niedert Brittany Hall Weaver

You can click here to see a few photos from Sweetarillo - our time to love our neighbors at High Plains Children's Home.


NEAR 4th and Elm Church of Christ