Henning Memorial United Methodist Church
Click the "About" button below to see what our Sundays have to offer... Sanctuary Worship: 8:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.
Choir Practice in Choir Room: 10:10 a.m.
Sanctuary Worship: 10:30 a.m.
The Branch Worship @ Family Life Center: 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m.
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facebook.comArea products help Gents break ground - American Press, 2017-05-18
Way to go, Cole! We are so proud of all your accomplishments. Go Gents!
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At Henning, we acknowledge that mothering takes many different forms. We recognize that not everyone fits neatly into the category of "mother" that we might typically think about. This Sunday we will celebrate Mother's Day in a unique way. Hope to see you there!
Candy Rodriguez KPLC
If you've ever been to Kroger in Sulphur chances are you've met Brian. Our community gathered today to celebrate his birthday!
Let's Play Ball & Eat! | Henning Memorial United Methodist Church (HMUMC 70663) | Sulphur, LA
Come join us May 20th at Pecan Grove Park for a day of Softball and BBQ. Follow this link to register a team for softball or the bbq competition.
Vacation Bible School
Online Registration for VBS is now available! You can now register your child, or register as a volunteer. Hope to see you in June as we discover our strength in God!
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Holy Week at Henning! Please join us following the Palm Sunday services at noon for a Potluck in the Family Life Center (500 Ruth Street).
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Join us for lots of fun this Saturday!
2017 Lent & Easter Quiz - The United Methodist Church
Do you think you can past the test?
Due to the potential for severe weather this afternoon and evening the 6PM service and Youth have been cancelled. Please stay safe during the weather and if you are impacted by rising water please let the church know!
Timeline Photos
We now have flood buckets available to those who need them. These buckets contain very useful items for cleanup after flooding such as trash bags, gloves, household cleaner, sponges, masks and so much more! Please share this post or tag those who could benefit from one of these buckets!
If you were impacted by the flooding around Sulphur last night, or know someone who was please let the church office know. We have resources and teams ready to respond and help cleanup, if needed!
New UMCOR Sunday is March 26 - Interpreter Magazine
Many in our community know the impact UMCOR (The United Methodist Committee On Relief) is able to make in the wake of disasters across our community, state, and world. This Sunday we will receive a special offering for UMCOR. We highly encourage you to come ready to support this vital ministry of the church. "A part of Global Ministries, the denomination's mission agency, UMCOR is dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the globe. Best known for its work in disaster response, UMCOR also supports programs and projects in health, sustainable agriculture, food security, relief supplies, disaster risk reduction and more."