Crown Creative Educational Services
Here at Crown Creative we strive to help facilitate learners with tutoring, home-school, and educational services.
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facebook.comOur new year begins August 7th. If you are looking for an alternative program or know someone who would benefit, please share this with your family and friends. Students deserve to love their educational process and look forward to going to school in a safe loving environment. Our students are exposed to many many immersive experiences that fosters a love for learning. We teach our students to love the Lord and ALWAYS do their best.
Today our Summer Camp students learned how to take photographs using natural light and angles outdoors. I think they did well don't you?
Today our Summer Camp students spent the day immersed in science, history, geology, astronomy and much more at The Tellus Museum.
Or summer camp students were challenged to create a solar oven and make smores in them. They really enjoyed the fruits of their labor! #stemchallenge
Our Summer Camp students were up for the Stem Challenge ....they were challenged to create a paper structure that could hold a large dictionary.
Summer Camp sugar cube arch building STEM Challenge
Summer Camp egg drop STEM Challenge
Our Summer Camp kids stay cool by iceskating.
Today our Summer Camp kids spent the day at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. They engaged in a butterfly enclosure, learned all about screech owls at a wild life presentation (they even investigated what is inside owl pellets), and so much more.
Mommy and daughter finishing up one of our 500 piece puzzles at Summer Camp.
Every week our summer camp students spend time in the pool.