City of Sterling, Colorado
The City of Sterling, is the Local governing body of Sterling Colorado.
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City of Sterling Public Works
Welcome to Sterling, Colorado
The City of Sterling is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on the Sterling Urban Renewal Authority. Applications will be accepted through May 3, 2017. Applicants will need to attend the May 9, 2017, City Council meeting. Applications are available in the City Manager’s office at City Hall, 421 North 4th Street, or call 522-9700 and an application will be mailed. Interested applicants may also go online at for an application.
City of Sterling Public Works
City of Sterling Public Works
City of Sterling Public Works
Tornado Siren Testing Citizens of the City of Sterling and residents of Logan County are reminded that beginning Friday, April 7th and every Friday until September 29th, the Sterling Emergency Communications Center will be testing the tornado sirens. These tests will be conducted at noon and the sirens will be run for a minute duration. Should inclement weather be present at the time of the scheduled test, the sirens will not be tested so as not to create any confusion. Tornado sirens are located at Highway 14 and County Road 37 (softball fields), North 7th Avenue and Elm Street (Sterling Middle School ball fields), 300 Block of Logan, Front Street (Franklin Park), 400 Block of Beattie Street (Cheairs Park), Highway 6 and County Road 370 (Overland Trail Museum) and East Highway 6 (Buffalo Hills Campground). Additionally, sirens are located in the Towns of Fleming, Iliff, Merino, Peetz and Crook. Tornado sirens are activated when the National Weather Service (NWS) alerts the City of a tornado warning. A tornado warning is issued when an actual tornado has been identified in the area. A tornado watch is established when the NWS alerts the City that conditions are right for the possible formation of a tornado. Tornado shelters are located at: First English Lutheran Church (South Seventh Avenue and Fairhurst); Faith United Methodist Church (230 Williams Place); First Christian Church (12915 CR 37 – Highway 14 and Ballpark Road); The Church of Latter Day Saints (513 North 7th Avenue); and Logan County Courthouse Annex Building (315 E. Main Street). For more information contact: Donald J. Saling, Kyle Moulton City Manager Logan County Emergency Manager 970-522-9700 970-520-0991
The Sterling High School Track is closed to the public due to the damage from the wind. We will keep you updated as to when it is back open after repairs are made.
Welcome to Sterling, Colorado
APPLICATIONS FOR VOLUNTEERS The City of Sterling is accepting applications for volunteers to serve on the Personnel Board and the Citizens Advisory Board. Applications will be accepted through March 23, 2017. Applicants will need to attend the March 28, 2017 City Council meeting. The Personnel Board requires City residency. The Personnel Board meets on as needed basis. Powers and duties of the Personnel Board are: To hear appeals; To consider the rules recommended by the director of personnel, and to adopt or amend the same; To adopt or amend the classification plan recommended by the director of personnel; To investigate any and all matters relating to conditions of employment in the City, and to make at least annually a report of its activities to the Council. The Citizens Advisory Board requires City residency. The Citizens Advisory Board meets monthly or more frequently as the Board deems advisable. Powers and duties of the Citizens Advisory Board are: To make recommendations to the City Council concerning the specific use of tax revenues consistent with the purpose of the City of Sterling Hotel Tax. Applications are available in the City Manager’s office at City Hall, 421 North 4th Street or call 522-9700 and an application will be mailed. Interested applicants may also go online at for an application.
City of Sterling Public Works
The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2017, 7:00 p.m., at City Hall.
City of Sterling Public Works