Play-Place for Autistic Children
Inclusion. Acceptance. Support. Visit for MUCH more info!
Our 25,000 square foot, cutting-edge facility will house a variety of fun-themed activities for the enjoyment and social skill building of our Play-Place pals. Play-Place for Autistic Children’s dedication to the developmental impact of PLAY is encouraged through the following highlights:
"Art of Autism” Nino Salvaggio art room for creative expression, peer relationship building and self-esteem enrichment.
A Computer Café for interactive academic skill building & communication.
A Bistro/Coffee Shop
CBI programming and field trips.
WorkPlus workforce training program.
Laser Light Chalk Room is a black-lit activity room encourages writing skills, artistic talents and imagination. In addition, the laser light element offers sensory & visual stimulation as well as fantasy play to activate our Play-Place pals’ imagination.
Swing Central
What child doesn’t enjoy swinging and autistic children are no exception. Swinging is a way to add fun and offer stimulating exercise. PAC’s Swing Central will feature a variety of swings, including: a Cuddle swing (for deep pressure sensation, vestibular assistance, calming and focus results), an Airwalker swing (for sensory integration, coordination, muscular strength, spatial awareness and tactile feedback), a cradle-back swing with safety strap (for upper body support for those who cannot hold themselves up on the regular Strap Swing for long periods of time) and 2 conventional strap swings.
Play-Place's featured attraction will be a 20′ merry-go-round. This ride will not only offer sensory integration and vestibular assistance, but LOTS of smiles and celebration to the Play-Place experience.
Inspiration Hall Presented by NAPA Auto Shops and Stores
Play-Place will offer facility rental for birthday parties, special events and occasions featuring a special performance by Paulile the mascot.
Haircut Hut
Haircut Hut will offer kid-friendly salon services featuring $7 haircuts by professionally licensed stylists, themed barber chairs, and prize incentives.
Calming Rooms
Quiet, private areas for comfort, consoling and calming. Play-Place’s calming rooms are designated for the management of meltdowns.
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