Black Power Blueprint
The Black Power Blueprint is a black-led self-determination project in St. Louis, MO. A new beginning, reclaiming our African community; investing in our African future. Find out how you can contribute today! The Black Power Blueprint is a black-led self-determination project in St. Louis, MO. A new beginning, reclaiming our African community; investing in our African future.
The BPB project, led by Black Star Industries (BSI) and the African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF), is a strike back against the ravaging gentrification that is turning historic black communities white.
With your help to bring to life the plan for black community owned and operated institutions such as a new Uhuru House Community Center at 4101 W. Florissant Ave, the Uhuru Jiko Commercial Kitchen, Bakery and Café at 3723 Goodfellow, and garden/outdoor event space at 4031/4035 W. Florissant Ave, we are kickstarting a new future for the African community in St. Louis, MO.
These projects will impact on the city through social and economic rebirth. Our institutions will create jobs and commerce. They will attract black culture and arts developed through self-determination projects by an African-led organization dedicated to the leadership and empowerment of the black working class. Find out more how you can contribute to and be apart of this historic project.
The African community here, like others around the country, faces poverty, joblessness, poor schools and substandard housing.
In St. Louis the police violence against our community is so severe that in 2014 it brought world attention to the police murder of Mike Brown.
These are the conditions of the poor and working class African community in a country built on slavery and genocide.
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