The Pawn Shop
We are Northwest Iowa's premiere gaming hotspot! Tournaments, on-site experts, workshops, and the game library are just some of what make us the best!
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facebook.comWelcome back to Monday! We've got a ton going on in the shop this week! For starters, we'll be making more transition to Game State. As soon as we get the logo confirmed, we'll post it and start swapping things out online and on our business cards! Also, it's Monday so that means we'll be having Board Game Night here in the shop as well as it being Pokemon Go! Team night, and the weather is looking like it's going to be amazing for that! Tomorrow night is what should be the conclusion of Kevin's D&D Adventure arc, The Fell Bones, which is an adventure written by Game State's own Adventure Guild! We have a ton of other events through the week, but we'd like to bring special attention to our Star Trek event this weekend, where we'll be doing the 3rd Month of the Klingon Civil War organized play! Hit the Events Tab for more info on everything we do here in the shop!
Photos from The Pawn Shop's post
It's Love Spencer Day! One of the things that makes Spencer such a great place (don't take our word for it, we're rated as one of the best places to live AND visit in the country!) is the number of volunteers we have! Love Spencer Day is a day where people will be offering free car washes, passing out food and water at the stop lights, performing music around town, and it's just a great day! Plus, it's gorgeous out there today! We're taking 20% off everything in the shop today IF you have the code from Square that we sent out and you might have seen (and shared!) on Facebook! Come on in, bring a friend, pick up something for you mom for Mother's Day next weekend because Moms like games too! Plus, tonight we've got Commander and Standard going!
20% Off at The Pawn Shop
Love Spencer Day! We know you Love Spencer just as much as we do! Come on in to the shop today, Saturday the 6th, and take 20% off EVERY item in the shop! Share the love! Pass us around Facebook, tell your friends, and save 20% today!
Photos from The Pawn Shop's post
Draft Night tonight! it's our Throwback Draft, so we'll be doing M14 at 7pm (only 12 seats!) and paying out Amonkhet. After that, we'll be open to doing another Draft, but of Amonkhet instead! We want to kick off at 7pm, so let us know if you'll be here, even if you'll be late!
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Hello, and welcome to this week’s edition of Brewer’s Corner! My name is Lukas, and this week we’ll be taking a look at a sweet BG control deck that features the card Season’s Past. Season’s Past is a 6 mana sorcery that lets you return any number of cards from your graveyard that have different CMCs. I’ve been brewing this up for awhile, so let’s take a look! This deck is focused around getting a lot of mana and then setting up a lock with Season’s Past and Diabolic Tutor. Since Season’s Past goes on the bottom of your library after you cast it, you can tutor for it, cast Season’s Past targeting it + your other removal spells back to your hand, and repeat. The removal spells we can target with Season’s Past in this deck are Fatal Push, Grasp of Darkness, Essence Extraction, Ruinous Path, and a new one, Never // Return. Grasp of Darkness remains one of the most efficient removal spells in standard, as it kills everything your opponent can play in the early to mid-game. Fatal Push fills a similar role to Grasp. Essence Extraction helps keep you alive long enough to get your combo together. Never // Return is good for permanently dealing with Scrapheap Scrounger, a Cut // Ribbons that got in the opponent’s graveyard, and other pesky things your opponent might have going on there. Ruinous Path is one of the main ways to win with this deck, as you eventually will have enough mana that you can start awakening it to kill your opponent. There are 2 Dissenter’s Deliverance in the deck to help combat Heart of Kiran and gearhulk decks, and you can cycle it for a relatively low cost when it’s irrelevant. Nissa’s Renewal helps us get there in more ways than one, giving us 3 lands and 7 life. Succumb to Temptation is a no Read the Bones, but it’ll have to do. Corrupted Grafstone is a mana-accelerant that isn’t vulnerable to removal, although it requires a little more work than most mana creatures. Don’t worry, this deck has more ways to win than just Ruinous Path. 2 Tireless Trackers, 4 Sylvan Advocates and 1 Nissa, Vital Force are this deck’s threats. It’s pretty difficult for your opponent to remove your threats permanently thanks to Season’s Past, so we don’t have to play that many threats. ======================================== 2x Season’s Past 2x Diabolic Tutor 2x Nissa’s Renewal 3x Ruinous Path 1x Never // Return 1x Essence Extraction 2x Dissenter’s Deliverance 2x Succumb to Temptation 4x Corrupted Grafstone 4x Sylvan Advocate 2x Tireless Tracker 1x Nissa, Vital Force 4x Grasp of Darkness 2x Fatal Push 4x Hissing Quagmire 4x Blooming Marsh 3x Foul Orchard 9x Swamp 8x Forest ======================================== Thanks for reading this week! This deck is sweet. I took it to FNM last week and got to play a couple matches and it felt super smooth. It’s also pretty cheap, as there aren’t very many rares in the deck. As always, feel free to ask any questions you might have in the comments! Until next week!
This week has been a breakthrough in changing up the shop as far as ideas and procedures go for the name change. We look forward to the new label bringing the area in closer and seeing new faces! That said, tonight is chock full of stuff. The M14 draft is tonight, as well as some Imperial Assault! Brewer's Corner is coming up shortly, and remember that Saturdays are Commander League. We love seeing you all here, so don't be shy!
Trivia Night is on hold tonight, due to our hostess having the stomach bug that seems to be going around. We'll be here next week though, and with our same topic, Famous "Andrews" !
Photos from The Pawn Shop's post
It's Build and Paint day, as well as Star Wars Day, do we've got a little bit of everything going in the shop today!
Timeline Photos
It's Star Wars Day!
Began Rebranding the Store
Photos from The Pawn Shop's post
Woo! Freight!
D&D is always a blast on Wednesday nights! The parties march forward on their quests; what terrors and pitfalls await them tonight? Stop in and find out! It kicks off at 6 PM. We love having you here, and always like to see new faces. Don't be shy if you want to help out, either. We are always looking for new DMs to help. The groups can get a little full, and while we believe in 'the more the merrier' it is true that things get rolling a lot faster when your group isn't too big. See you here!