Ava Anderson Non-Toxic by Jody Chase
The BEST and the SAFEST full line of non-toxic personal care and household products, WITHOUT harmful chemicals! www.AvaAndersonMA.com Do you know which toxic chemicals are hidden in your facial, body, baby, and household products? The average woman applies 515 to her skin before breakfast! Visit www.AvaAndersonMA.com, email me at jody@AvaAndersonNonToxic.com, or message me here for SAFE, quality products for the whole family. No compromises - just the best and the safest!
Ava Anderson Non-Toxic is the brainchild of Ava Anderson who was 14 years old when she saw a news report by the Environmental Working Group, which found known carcinogens, neurotoxins, reproductive mutagens and endocrine disruptors in the blood and urine of teens across the country. Ava was horrified when she discovered that the products she and her friends were using were dangerous. Ava founded her company in 2009 to develop and produce cutting-edge, SAFE personal care and home care products to the highest performance standards. We are leaders in providing wellness information, while sharing the dangers of toxic chemicals in personal care products with families across the United States of America.
Ava Anderson offers quality skin care, cosmetic, bath and body, and home care products without harmful chemicals. This revolutionary line contains NO parabens or PEG’s. NO synthetic “fragrance” or dyes, NO hidden ingredients or contaminants such as phthalates, nitrosamines or formaldehyde, NO Glycol, NO Sodium Laureth Sulfate, NO Petroleum Byproducts and NO animal testing. All products are gluten-free, most are vegan, and all of the packaging is recyclable!
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Who will todays winners of FIVE, $100 Shopping Sprees be? Hopefully YOU! ALL orders count! www.PureJody.com Party ID #140971 (Mystery Host party - your order also enters you into my private drawing for $100 in free product) :) Don't forget - our "Get Ready for Summer Set", and our free lemon sugar scrub with all $95+ orders are only available through 5/31! And if you're considering joining us as a consultant, our new consultant bonus offer for May expires 5/31 also!
Timeline Photos
What would you do with a $100 Pure Haven Essentials shopping spree?! We're giving away TWENTY of them between today and Monday (5 per day)! Every order placed is entered to win. Ready to try our new hairspray, moroccan oil, spray cleaner? You're going to LOVE them, and the extra gift certificate sure would be nice, too! www.PureJody.com
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If you haven't yet seen it, there's a documentary called ""Stink" about a single father (he lost his wife to breast cancer) whose daughter's new pajamas from the store "Justice" smelled like chemicals. He went on a mission to find out what chemicals they use on the pj's only to have everyone he contacted shut him down and lead him to send the pj's to get tested. He found out they had a cancer causing banned chemical in them! He set out to find out why our products are not regulated and how harmful they can be. This is not a women's issue or a children's issue. This is an issue that has made our country become a dumping ground for toxins that other countries won't allow - even China! What speaks most to me is that due to all the chemicals disrupting our hormones and DNA, WE are literally becoming genetically modified. The rise in cancer, infertility, obesity, diabetes and so many other diseases is not just a coincidence...and you can control much of this, small changes make a big difference!
Timeline Photos
As we wrap up the school year and look forward to summer, I hear many of my teacher friends saying that they are looking for some part-time work this summer. Guess what? I've got you covered! The educational piece of our company is one of the things that drew a lot of us in to join. Being a consultant for Pure Haven is fun, meaningful, and simple. This is a great opportunity to use your passion of teaching to do good! If you or someone you know is looking for something this summer that will work around your/their pool/vacation/famiy schedule, this might be just the thing for you/them. Let's set up a coffee date (in person or virtual) and see if this is a good fit. P.S. This is a great opportunity for women AND men and we are not location based.
Something Extraordinary Is Happening In The World, But Most People Haven't Noticed
#1, #2, #3 and #6 - I know many others on this page can relate as well! There is so much power when you involve yourself in something that has a purpose greater than yourself, and where you are only rewarded for helping others. You can build not only a business around it, but a life and a lifestyle that's rewarding beyond belief!
This Experiment Shows What Happens To Your Body When Everything You Eat Is Organic
A very simple illustration of how quickly we can be free of (or less) toxins when we make a lifestyle change - food matters of course, but products do as well!
Pure Haven Online Magazine
Our beautiful online catalog is available now - and has all of our newest products inside - including our spray surface cleaner, hairspray, and moroccan argan oil!
Story of Cosmetics - The Story of Stuff Project
The cosmetic industry is interesting because there is very little regulation or education about our products. So much emphasis has been put on food and drugs in the last few years with the government that the cosmetics industry has not received as much attention. HOWEVER, that is starting to change!! Did you know that what we put ON our body is just as important what we put IN our body? Check out this short video to give you a history of how the cosmetic/personal care industry is changing....
Is your deodorant drugging you through the armpits daily with this neurotoxin?
Chatting with so many over recent weeks, and most people really don't know about "ingredients". I am not a crazy fanatic, by any means, but these facts are truly undeniable and disturbing. - "The antiperspirants contain an active ingredient that is scientifically validated to accelerate brain aging and cause Alzheimer's." - "Commercial deodorant often contain hormone-disrupting chemical fragrances that absorb into the skin and disrupt the endocrine system." And, "Antiperspirants, on the other hand, work in a much different way (than deodorant). Antiperspirants work by blocking the sweat glands, stopping the secretion of proteins and fatty acids. Most antiperspirants are made with Aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirc compounds. Since antiperspirants change the physiology of the body, they are actually considered an over-the-counter drugin the US and are regulated by the FDA."
Dear Axe Spray, My Son's Doctors Say Your Product Could Kill Him
Vote with your dollars! Where you spend your money says a lot about the type of world you want to live in. If we stop buying this junk (which literally hurts people), manufacturers will HAVE to make a change! If you don't buy Pure Haven Essentials, at least educate yourselves on what might be safer out there. If you want me to mail you a "Did You Know" brochure that highlights some of the worst toxic offenders in products, comment below or message me and I will send one your way! It is pocket-sized, so can easily go along with you to the store so that you can safely review your product labels...
Pure Haven Essentials
Such exciting news! The Pure Haven Essentials page is up and with a special promotion to celebrate our social media launch! Head on over and give it a "like"! You won't want to miss out on all the exciting news and updates :)
Photos from PURE Haven Essentials & Ava Anderson Non-Toxic by Jody Chase's post
As a parent of a 3rd grader, we spent the weekend working on Colby's science project - employing the scientific method to research a question, and present the findings! The question at large? Which of the following - Lemon juice, Apple cider vinegar, Seltzer water, or Pure Haven Essentials NEW surface spray cleaner - would take them most grime off of a penny, only by letting it sit overnight? Well - the results are in, and it turns out you can have powerful cleaning without harmful chemicals or without bad smells wink emoticon #PHEforthewin, #PureHavenEssentials