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Faith Dominion Church

1556 Central Ave, South El Monte, United States
Religious Organization



We are a Charismatic Faith Based Non-Denominational Church. Sharing the love of God with all people. Teaching them to live by Faith. Our Vision is to Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to every creature. Breaking the Power of the Devil, setting free the people who are held captive by the power of darkness. Teaching people how to develop and live by faith which is the only thing that pleases God.


Believers, the Holy Spirit is our guide and weapon against the unfruitful works of darkness. He sheds light in dark places for our benefit.

On June 13, 2017 Joe Hernandez said..."today I graduate & receive my diploma". Saturday, July 1, 2017 We will lay the body of Joe Hernandez to rest. 2 Corinthians 5:1 & John 5:24 Viewing 1 PM & Service 2 PM to 3:45 PM (SKY ROSE CHAPEL) Grave site immediately after service Rose Hills Memorial Park 3888 Workman Mills Rd. Whittier, CA 90601 Luncheon immediately after service at 4:PM to 7:PM Faith Dominion Church 1556 Central Ave. City of South El Monte CA, 91733

On June 13, 2017 Joe Hernandez said..."today I graduate & receive my diploma".
Saturday, July 1, 2017 We will lay the body of Joe Hernandez to rest.
2 Corinthians 5:1 & John 5:24 

Viewing 1 PM & Service 2 PM to 3:45 PM (SKY ROSE CHAPEL)
Grave site immediately after service
Rose Hills Memorial Park 
3888 Workman Mills Rd. Whittier, CA 90601

Luncheon immediately after service at 4:PM to 7:PM
Faith Dominion Church 
1556 Central Ave.
 City of South El Monte CA, 91733

Photos from Faith Dominion Church's post

On June 13, 2017 Joe Hernandez said... "today I will graduate, today I receive my diploma". 2 Corinthians 5:1 & John 5:24 TODAY Saturday, July 1, 2017 we will lay the body of Joe Hernandez to rest. Viewing 1:00PM & Service 2:00PM - 3:25PM (Sky Rose Chapel) Grave site immediately after service Rose Hills Memorial Park 3888 Workman Mills Rd., Whittier, CA 90801 Luncheon immediately after at Faith Dominion Church 4:00PM to 7:00 PM 1556 Central Ave. City of South El Monte, CA 91733

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Believers,our fight is not against flesh and blood, we fight against unseen forces. We have armor to fight with, Use It! Ephesians 6:11-17.

Believers, when Jesus ascended into heaven the Holy Spirit was released to fulfill His assignment in the earth. His assignment involves teaching Gods’ people about Jesus and how to live as He Jesus lived. #FDC #PastorBen

Believers, don’t be offended by what the people of the world say or do to you. Jesus said that they will do this to you because they did it to me. Colossians 3:13 NLT Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

Believers it is the work that Jesus did on the cross that gives us the power and authority to defeat Satan. Jesus is Lord!!! #FDC #PastorBen

You don’t need to make a deal with God to receive His promises. Jesus did it all. Believe it. Receive it. That’s the deal!

Faith Dominion Church's cover photo

Faith Dominion Church's cover photo

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Sunday service at #Faith Dominion Church is going to be awesome! Join us for a life changing experience!

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Believers,the word of the living God is filled with creative power, speak the word only, activate the power.#PastorBen #FDC
