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Wenhold Insurance Agency, LLC

411 Harleysville Pike, Souderton, United States
Insurance company



Please contact us:
(215) 723-2195    
Fax: (215) 723-5498
411 Harleysville Pike
Souderton, PA 18964-2142

Wendy Wenhold, Principal Agent with Nationwide Insurance in Souderton, PA.

When we opened our doors in 1963, our mission was the same as it is now:  We want to always be there for you to protect what is most important-your family, your assets, your life! Our agency team has the training and experience to help make sure you find the best protection at the best possible price. We will customize an insurance plan for your individual lifestyle, whether you're buying a home, starting a family, buying your teenager's first car or starting a new business. That's where our one-on-one- personal service comes in. Our top priority is doing what is best for you! Please call our office today and find out about our BUNDLE DISCOUNT!

Lines of Insurance Authority: Life, Accident and Health, Property and Allied Lines, Casualty and Allied Lines.

Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Or by appointment...

We are licensed in the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware.

