Shiloh Church
Impacting the World for Jesus Welcome to Shiloh
This is an exciting time in the life of Shiloh United Methodist Church as we continue to grow in our appreciation from all of the blessings that God showers upon us. There is a revival taking place in our very midst as we seek to be faithful in welcoming all of God’s children from every walk of life. It is our hope that each time you encounter us as pastors and people that you will sense that we understand that we are here to serve Jesus and to make His presence felt throughout our world. We want you in His Family sharing with us on our journey. Here at Shiloh you will quickly discover that God has collected seekers, sinners, saints, deployed military families and sojourners and dispatched us as His servant to offer hope, help and healing to all who seek a relationship with Jesus.
We are a congregation of people who seek to walk and live in the way of Jesus by loving people where we find them. We are civilians, soldiers, professionals and laborers serving side by side to welcome the world into the world of Jesus Christ and we invite you to come and join us as we seek to Impact the Word for Jesus. You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings for sermons that are relevant, biblical and user friendly for seekers and lifelong learns of His Way. We are a seeker-friendly faith community offering indigenous contemporary worship to all so they may experience the living love of Jesus through drama, music, prayer, praise and preached word all done to the Glory of God with one goal in mind: connecting people to Christ.
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facebook.comCheck out videos discussing the building of our current worship center and gathering area as created for our 210th celebration! The 2nd and 3rd videos are in the comments.
HELP HURRICANE VICTIMS! This Sunday we will have a special offering for those affected the hurricanes. Make your checks payable to SUMC with UMCOR in the memo line. 100% of the donations will be given to those in need.
Two words that every parent hears at some point are "No fair!" Perhaps another sibling got a nicer present or a bigger piece of cake to call forth this protest. Perhaps it was a feeling that someone got to do something special when the protester did not. I learned to answer my kids "No fair!" protest by saying, "A fair is where you get cotton candy and ride on the rides. And yes, life is no fair!" What if it is God who seems unfair? Since Cain and Able humans have been protesting "No fair!" to God. Does God play favorites? Does he treat all his children equally? Jesus addressed this very issue in the Parable of the Laborers in the Field found in Matthew 20:1-16. This Sunday we will look at fairness when it comes to the God of the universe. As usual, Jesus has a surprising answer to that question! Join us at 9 am on Sunday, September 17, at Shiloh. Pastor Ken D Hutchens
Outdoor concert on a gorgeous day to continue the festivities.
What a turnout. Celebrating 210 years as a church.
Here's a few reminders about tomorrow! *Service starts at 10, shuttles from Seibert gravel parking start at 9. (Please utilize!) *Lunch following the service *Bring your lawn chairs for the acoustic concert following the meal. Help spread the word!
This is the Bishop McKendree window at McKendree University Library. He was present as an elder when Shiloh was founded in 1807. Elder McKendree's prayer for Shiloh Church will be quoted in the service tomorrow. Worship at 10 am, lunch at 11:30, celebration of 210 years at1 pm on Sunday, September 10.
The church looks really nice. Our people have given it their best -- because God is worth our best. We have a new look in the gathering area, hallway to the chapel, and sanctuary. The cake is ordered and the meal being prepared. I hope you can join us Sunday at 10 am as we celebrate 210 years at 210 S Main Street. If you can't make it then, please come at 1 pm for the community open house. Pastor Ken D Hutchens
Hello Shiloh Family! As a reminder, worship service begins at 10AM this Sunday, September 10, in celebration of our 210 Anniversary activities and commemoration. For parking, we encourage everyone who can to park at the gravel parking lot off of Seibert road to make our normal parking lots available to our guests and visitors. We have a shuttle service, starting at 9AM, to transport you to the church and back. Thank you in advance and see you soon!
Okay, here is the plan. God will build a worldwide church made up of redeemed people of all different nations and languages and types. This church will be the beginning of the Kingdom of God and the eternal family of God which will join Him forever in a transformed universe. So how does God fulfill the plan? God sends his son to a carpenter's family in a tiny little village in rural Galilee. As an adult Jesus chooses 12 local guys, none of whom seem to have very impressive credentials. After three years of trying to get them to get a clue about him and God, one betrays him and the other eleven abandon him. These guys, the apostles of Jesus, then have the task of founding and building that worldwide church God planned. It's no wonder Jesus told the parable of the mustard seed about "Unremarkable Beginnings, Unimaginable Endings" which happen in the Kingdom of God. Just as the tiny mustard seed grows into a huge plant, this tiny beginning of the church will grow into a world impacting group which has touched billions of lives. How? Through the power and grace of God at work in the lives of ordinary people! Join us this Sunday at 10 am as we look at the power and grace of God at work in Shiloh. We will celebrate 210 years of God's faithfulness that moved Shiloh UMC from humble beginnings on the Illinois frontier to incredible persistence in witnessing to God. The final chapter has not been written yet! Come and see what God has done and is doing. Pastor Ken D Hutchens
We need your help! Volunteers are needed to work at the church booth at the Shiloh Village Homecoming this Friday and Saturday. Shifts are only 2 hours each: 4-6 pm; 6-8 pm & 8-10 pm both days. Please comment on this post or contact Gretchen Nichols at if you are available to help.
Want to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey? Help through UMCOR, click below. 100% of your donations goes to helping people in need.