Golden Kutts Barbershop
Golden Kutts offers an upscale experience with a friendly, comfortable,and laid back feel.
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Linda Brewton&Derek Horne
Just so everyone knows we now take all major credit/debit cards!!!
These are our hours through the holiday weekend... Wednesday•off, Thursday•8-6, Friday•8-6, Saturday•8-until. We extended our hours to accommodate everyone so come see us for those fresh Christmas cuts. Hope everyone has a blessed and Merry Christmas!!!
Alright everyone come and get right this weekend! Everyone knows Christmas is right around the corner... so don't wait till the last minute. If you want to avoid that CRAZY before the holiday rush come see us this weekend! Don't be the one who ain't CRIS-PY for CHRIST-MAS!
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I have to say this was a first for me!!! And one of the biggest transformation Kutts I've done. Thanks to the family for trusting in Golden Kutts to do the job. #Horne
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My boy Garrett getting clean!!! #Horne
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Shout out to my boy Tim for showing some love!!! #Horne
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Shout out to Dre for being o e of the new regulars... Come see us at Golden Kutts Barbershop to get right too!!! #Horne
Golden Kutts Barbershop