Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office, Oklahoma
Protect & Serve The Sheriff of Pottawatomie County is Michael D. Booth
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facebook.comCops N Kids: Don’t forget it’s tomorrow starting at 1 pm!
The Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind county motorists that the National Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Mobilization kicked off on August 16th and will continue through September 3rd. Deputies will be patrolling diligently along with other agencies within the county to keep our citizens and the roadways safe. The National Highway Safety Administration reported in 2015 that there were 10,265 fatalities in the United States in drunk driving crashes. [ 71 more words ] http://pottcoso.com/national-drive-sober-or-get-pulled-over-mobilization
Cameron Joseph LaPlante now in custody as of late last night. Thank you everyone for your tips.
Per the Shawnee Fire Department: At this time we are experiencing flooding in many low lying areas. Please turn around if you encounter an area that is at all questionable.
Orange Barrel Alert Drivers can expect the following lane closures on US-177/US-270 in Shawnee for surface repair: Southbound US-177/US-270 will be narrowed to one lane at US-270 Business (Kickapoo Spur) from 8 a.m. Monday to 8 a.m. Wednesday. Southbound US-177/US-270 will be narrowed to one lane at Acme Rd., about two miles south of I-40, from 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m. Thursday. http://pottcoso.com/orange-barrel-alert-2
Cops N Kids August 26th!
Current weather radar...
Come out and support this family friendly community event!
Wanted Person:Cameron Joseph LaPlante Our office is seeking public assistance in locating Cameron Joseph LaPlante he is wanted out of Pottawatomie County District Court on an outstanding warrant. He is wanted for Failure to Appear on drug related charges and his bond is set at $15,000. If you know where he might be please contact dispatch (405) 273-1727, email warrants@pottcoso.com or private message us here using Facebook. U081517 AUTH358 http://pottcoso.com/wanted-person-cameron-joseph-laplante
2017 Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association Banquet & Awards Group Photo of the 2017 Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association Banquet & Awards. Our office received several awards this year, it’s a prime example of the dedication the men and women have while serving the citizens of Pottawatomie County. Bottom left to right: Sheriff Michael D. Booth, Deputy Shaun Copelin, Lt. Jimmy Brewer, Dispatcher Lisa Williams, Deputy Steven Sample, Undersheriff Travis Palmer, Lt. [ 41 more words ] http://pottcoso.com/2017-oklahoma-sheriffs-association-banquet-awards
We need your help: Missing a pig? Deputy Travis Dinwiddie responded to the area of Hwy 9 and Stevens Road yesterday on an animal complaint. When he arrived he discovered a pig at large and it has now been impounded. It is described as: Black and white spotted female pig approximately 250 to 300 pounds. If you know who the owner is please contact Deputy Dinwiddie (405) 273-1727, email deputy.dinwiddie@pottcoso.com or PM us on Facebook. http://pottcoso.com/we-need-your-help-missing-a-pig
Longtime deputy retires