New Day Church
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facebook.comWhat it is and What it isn't; Discipleship
Being a disciple means commitment to or disciplined in a teaching. With Christians it means a committment to the teachings of Christ. Question is, what are the teachings of Christ? What did He teach? Our actions tell us what we are disciplined in. What are your actions? That is what you are a disciple of. Come and visit New Day Church today @10a and learn what a disciple of Christ looks like. "What it is, what it isn't."
The Bible does not teach a solitary life style, it does teach your part of His body. It does teach local assembling of believers. Be part of something special tomorrow by attending a church near you. Your invited to be part of New Day Church tomorrow @ 10a. Message title: "What it is and what it isn't." Come find out what "it" is. Pastor Dan
Patience's Perfect Work
It is through faith and patience we receive the promises of God.[Heb. 6:12] We have been taught faith, but have we been taught patience? What is Patience's perfect work? [James 1:4] Find out today at New Day Church @10a.
Tribe Pool Party
Calling all youth! Come cool down with the tribe!
The Gospel According to You
What does the Gospel look like in your life, That is what people think it looks like.
The Power of Encouragement
The Power of the Word makes our spirits strong, The Power of Encouragement feeds our souls so that we can be over-comers in our daily lives. As brothers and sisters in Christ we have a part in each other's daily walk in Christ. Tomorrow @ 10 learn the Power of Encouragement.
The Secret Sacfirices of Mothers
Happy Mothers Day to all those who are mothers. Whether you a biological mother or an adoptive mother or a "church mother" you all make a difference in not only children lives but in the lives of all of us no matter our age. To all Moms, we say thank you and we love you!
Shaken: When the Storms Come, Men's Word Study
Faithfulness' Rewards
Faithfulness has rewards, not only in heaven, but now here on earth. Be part of something special happening at New Day Church this morning @ 10a.
Men's Bible Study: Shaken by Tim Tebow @7p for the next 4 Weeks
Actionable Love: pt 2
Love is demonstrated in action, it is actionable! No action no love. See you this morning @10a. God is love and God is Good...
Actionable Love: pt 1
God’s love is actionable, Meaning God’s love in us is enough for us to love others, Hope to see you this Sunday @ 10a at New Day Church.