Epiphany School
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Don't miss the FUN, GAMES, RAFFLE, and COMMUNITY SPIRIT at the Epiphany School Carnival! Friday, September 30 from 3:00 to 6 PM
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Today marks the start of our Annual Fund. Come to the Madrona Community entrance and enjoy a cup of coffee or your favorite espresso. Make your pledge or gift online today bit.ly/epi_af2016
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The Epiphany School Carnival is September 30, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. You won't want to miss the amazing raffle items like this one here. Make sure you are present from 3:00 - 4:00 pm for our special Seahawks' surprise!
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Don't miss the Epiphany School Carnival! What: A fun-filled afternoon of games, goodies, raffles, dunk tanks, bouncy house, bake sale, and much more! When: Friday, September 30th from 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Who: For our entire community of families, friends, neighbors, and staff. This year we’re shaking things up a little with a Football theme - Go Seahawks! All are welcome so please spread the word!
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Head of School Matt Neely giving the welcome back announcements to parents at commons to kick off our first day back.
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Day 2 of PreService and the Faculty & Staff are deeply engaged in preparing to welcome everyone back in 7 days. #PD #profdev #edchat #edu
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Come see the new mural installed this week near Chips. The tiles were sculpted and glazed by Epiphany School students. They represent water and the beach environment.
Photos from Epiphany School's post
Mural installation is under way! Art specialist Barbara Buchman with visiting artist Juan Alonso, and tile installer Carol Dean.
Photos from Epiphany School's post
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Who's that guy in the bike helmet? Jeremy Tagliaferre, our new Epiphany School Care Program Manager finding his way around.
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Jen Wilkinson, Epiphany's new librarian, settling in.
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Classrooms getting spruced up! Can you tell school is just around the corner?