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Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

511 West Pleasure street, Searcy, United States
Religious Organization



Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas is a community of believers who love God, love people & are passionate about authentic worship as we engage Jesus!


Prayer tonight at 6pm. Bring the hurting and weary souls to find comfort in the presence of God.

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This Sat @ 6pm our revival service & Sun @ 11 am our worship. All are welcome. No need for "dressing up" come as you are. Those who are called to other churches, if your church doesn't have anything on Sat night we extend an invitation to you as several churches will be respresented seeking & hungry for Jesus! 511 w Pleasure, Searcy, AR.

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Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

Prayer tonight at 6pm! Come join us as we seek the face of God.

Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

Ronnie Freeman

I am no public figure, Facebook's only choice for me to start a page where there is no limit to those who could be apart of the sight, sounds & stories of Dream Nations. My original pg has been max. for about 3 yrs. Everything I put on that page I will post to this page! Hit the like symbol below to join in.

Ronnie Freeman

Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

Early prayer at 10 am. Service at 11 am. "He will touch you again. Look up so you can start looking up" !! All are welcome. . Come believing. Expecting.

Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas

This evening, we will be praying in Bald Knob at the Jesus Fest location! Let's pray over this event!

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This Sat @ 6pm our revival service, all our welcome. Sun 11 am our Worship Service. You are invited to enjoy HIS presence with us and we worship and hear from His word! 511 W. Pleasure, Searcy, AR. Dream Narions family please share.

Timeline Photos

Powerful word tonight. Life changing message..conviction comes when a man or woman has been walking in the fire of God. We sat glued to every word as we watched a humble man burn as he preached under the anointing of God awaken our hearts. We will give you more than our fragments!!! We are a walking revival.

Gatekeepers at Dawn: Prayer Monday thru Thursday at 4:45 am

Gatekeepers at Dawn is an early morning prayer meeting. All are welcome. A time of intercession, petition and personal worship.

Gatekeepers at Dawn: Prayer Monday thru Thursday at 4:45 am


NEAR Dream Nations Church Of Central Arkansas