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When I Was a Little Girl, Inc DBA Alisha Michelle, Inc

7830 E Redfield, Scottsdale, United States



A clothing company that uses ALL profits to provide scholarships and housing to underserved women and single mothers living at or below the poverty level.  { C o m p a n y  I n f o }

This is a non-profit corporation. 100% of ALL  profits go toward scholarships and housing for underserved women, especially single mothers living at or under the poverty level. Trademark and copyrights have been filed. Please do NOT copy shirt designs. Periodic postings will be made on Instagram and Facebook (When I Was a Little Girl, Inc. DBA Alisha Michelle, Inc.) recognizing the lives you have helped with each shirt purchase as well as new shirt designs.

{ D e t a i l s }

Shirts are made of a quality, soft, lightweight cotton / polyester blend.

Sizes: SM-XL. Sizes run large.

{ S h i p p i n g }

Orders are shipped via USPS.

Current processing and delivery time is 2-3 weeks.

Be sure to verify your address at checkout.

{ C a r e  I n s t r u c t i o n s }

We recommend washing your garments inside out in cold water.

Hang or tumble dry on low temperature.

{ C o n n e c t }

INSTAGRAM (@alishamichelleinc

FACEBOOK (When I Was a Little Girl, Inc. DBA Alisha Michelle, Inc.)

Show off your new shirts by using the hashtag #alishamichelleinc

{ A b o u t U s }

AlishaMichelleInc was founded in 2014. I started this company as a way to give to underserved women where it matters most, in education and housing. I was raised by an underserved, single mother and dropped out of high school during my freshman year to work full-time. I am currently a graduate student, wife, and mother to an amazing 12 year old boy. My goal is to make comfortable, quality apparel that is motivational and promotes a spirit of giving.  

{ A d d i t i o n a l  I n f o }

By purchasing from this site you agree to our policies.

Please look at our shop policies before purchasing. Because 100% of ALL profits are used to give back to underserved women in the community at periodic and undetermined times, there are NO refunds. Exchanges for size or style however, are available depending on inventory.  

If you have any questions, please contact us anytime here or at alishamichelleinc [at]

Thank you,

Note: The address provided is NOT a physical business address. Initially, shipments will be made from our home. Business correspondence should be sent to our email address:



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