Trinity Wellsprings Church
Trinity Wellsprings Church is a large, intergenerational congregation that gathers in four different worship environments each week in Satellite Beach, Florida. Striving to cultivate missional lifestyles, this community overflows with hope as people share their experience of Jesus wherever they live, work, and play.
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facebook.comHighlights from this week on Pastor Jason's blog: (1) "Jesus as the New Israel" (an essay accompanying the sermon series "All about Jesus: Explorations in the Gospel of John") and (2) "Blog Tidbits" -- three blog posts from the blogosophere: "Do you Really want to be our Pastor", "A Response for Christians who are Done with Church" (Carey Nieuwhof), and "Is your Church an Institution?" (Ray Ortlund).
We continue to stand in prayer, sympathy, and support for the many lives affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma in the Houston area, the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean. Earlier last week, TWC sent off loads of sheets and blankets to Puerto Rico. Thank you for your donations on such short notice! Through our denomination, there are two ways to give for Disaster Relief in the aftermath of Harvey and Irma. The Presbyteries of Texas and Florida are in the best position to administer funds to those people in need. Visit our webpage to choose which way you'd like to donate. There's also a video from the Kirk of the Keys that was shared at our last Presbytery meeting.
Disaster Relief Response/Newcomers' Seminar/Mark Your Calendars
"The church has an insidious propensity to forget the outsider. To tighten into a holy huddle. To do naval gazing. To slowly change our mandate from reaching the world to “just keeping the insiders happy”. Think about it: Jesus’ central act of anger in the gospels was a prophetic act to remind the insiders about their true and original mission. "This will be a house of prayer for all the nations." And so I ask you: Is it enough that the insiders are happy? (Because for many churches, that is enough.) Is it enough that the insiders are getting fed? Is it enough that the insiders are worshiping God? This church is a mission station – you get equipped to go out. You are a roving Temple of God. Wherever you go, you bring the Temple Presence of God." Pastor Jason Carter ("The House of Jesus", John 2:13-25)
Praying for the people of Las Vegas and the victims of the senseless tragedy last night. May Jesus be near the survivors and families of those lost and give them the peace that passes understanding. Longing for the day when God ¨will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore¨. #PrayingForVegas
"The Christian is the most contented person in the world and also the most dissatisfied person in the world."
Community Overflowing with Grace
This one-session seminar is designed to help newcomers discover how to become members (known as Covenant Partners) of Trinity Wellsprings Church. Childcare provided. Register for seminar, dinner, and childcare online:
This gathering is an opportunity for you to put names and faces together and get to know each other in a casual, fun environment for the whole family. Complemenatary refreshments and coffee will be served! Register here:
Sunday, September 24, 2017 was a very special day here! Installation Service(s) of Rev. Dr.Jason are a few memories we'll cherish.
Men's Fraternity Resumes/Installation Service for Rev. Dr. Jason Carter/Mark Your Calendars
Sunday Services Resume Post Irma