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Sapulpa Public Library

27 W Dewey Ave, Sapulpa, United States



Official Home of Euchee/Yuchi Native American Collection Mission Statement

It is the goal of the Bartlett-Carnegie Sapulpa Public Library to seek to and continually provide a variety of library resources to the community.  These include books, audio books (books on tape or CD), Videos, DVDs, CDs, newspapers, magazines, reference materials, and technology to the community.  We seek to provide access to innovative technologies for staff and patrons, to improve the quality of life for meeting the informational, educational and cultural interests of the community.

Our library also strives to provide with excellence:
•A pleasant environment for children and adults learning to read

•A consistent level of high quality service to make everyone's experience at the library as easy, pleasant, and as comfortable as possible

•An environment where parents will work with their children to promote learning experiences on the computer together

•An environment that encourages reading, learning and thinking

•Allows those who want to borrow and return library materials, use materials or study in the library, or obtain staff assistance to do so as easily as possible.


Sapulpa Public Library

Next week at the Sapulpa Public Library

Sapulpa Public Library

Sapulpa Public Library

Timeline Photos

Sign up after May 30th

Timeline Photos

Are you a member of the Sapulpa Friends of the Library? Do you know what Friends Members do? It is pretty simple: "A Friend is a person who is there when you need them." Won't you be our Friend? It is Free to join! Our next meeting is June 7th at noon

Just a reminder there will be no Story Time this Tues. May 23.

Photos from Sapulpa Public Library's post

This mornings New Library Card holders

Photos from Sapulpa Public Library's post

Wed, May 24 at 10 AM in genealogy. Come in and learn to use genealogy resources, including the databases available for you at no cost. Great time to be able to learn to use the resources for your research.

Story Time The Day the Crayons Quit

Story Time The Day the Crayons Quit

Creek County Talent Showcase

Free event, All Ages! Free refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Library Support Group. Please sign up at the Sapulpa Library or by phone 918-224-5624

Creek County Talent Showcase

Now available in genealogy:_A Gazetteer of Inidan Territory . Find those towns and creeks that are mentioned in your research but not found on a current map. Also, Runaway Slaves, Rebels on the Plantation, by John Hope Franklin and Loren Schweninger; and Life in Civil War America detailing many aspects of society during the war years such as bacon costing 12.5 cents per pound in 1861, 75 cents in 1862 and $11-13 in 1865.

Timeline Photos

tomorrow at 6 pm

Timeline Photos

Rock Sapulpa!

we had a fun time painting rocks! Can't wait to do it again

Rock Sapulpa!
