Sandwich Glass Museum
129 Main Street
Sandwich,MA 02563
9:30 am -5:00 pm
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS“The pumpkin is a uniquely American plant, widely regarded as one of the most magical plants in all the world.” ― Seth Adam Smith, Rip Van Winkle and the Pumpkin Lantern
DID YOU KNOW? Stingrays use a super set of senses to search for food. Special gel-filled pits across the front of their face, allow them to pick up electrical signals from other animals when they move. Their eyes are on the topside of their body and their mouth and gills can be found underneath, so in the darker depths or murky rivers this electromagnetic sense is especially useful for searching for prey. (Glass stingray by Bryan Randa)
Bus season is in full swing. Our glassblower is demonstrating on the half hour to keep up. Fall at the Glass Museum is humming.
“Old dark sleepy pool... Quick unexpected frog Goes plop! Watersplash!” ― Bashō Matsuo, Japanese Haiku
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. - Emile Zola Have a safe and happy Labor Day!