Fitness Is My Sickness
Fitness is my Sickness was created to promote health and optimal fitness levels globally. All levels of fit are welcomed. Lets get fit together!! Fitness Is My Sickness provides both in person and internet-based consultation for becoming fit. We do not discriminate and have a passion for all types of fitness lovers. We promote health physically and emotionally. Our knowledge and experience stems from the expertise of cross fit level 1 trainers, fitness specialist nutritionists and a broad rage of fitness enthusiasts! We know that team work makes the dream work and are here to motivate!!!
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By all means don’t always do what your coach does do what he or she says!! Get it, got it, good!! 😂😂😂
Nah Nah Nah nah boo boo!!!! Betcha said that a loud!! Our all women’s open gym time is better than yours!! We have open gym prices too!! Call 619-741-2833 for more info!!
Our most popular program is starting on the 16th!! Call 619-741-2833 today for more info!!
Cowls Mountain Hike Tomorrow 6am negate the excuses!! Who’s coming!! Comment below, so that we’ll know!! Kids & doggies welcomed! Tag A FIMS buddy ! Come on!!
When you looking at other gyms expecting them to be as encouraging, knowledgeable & welcoming as Fitness Is My Sickness! Keep looking !
Singing 🎤 because of the wonderful things FIMS Does!! Ladies kill this at home workout with no equipment!! Recommended 3 Rounds for Beginner 4 Rounds for Median 5 Rounds For Pro! Gather a group, Like, Tag & Share!
Do try this @Home come on in to FIMS! ☝️ Sn:the floor is padded 😂😂
Just about to move to Europe, until Fitness Is My Sickness Came through in clutch with a meal plan.
CTT2 McNeal Atia Kai McNeal push through on leg day.
Push through Coach LN1 Sidney Fuller!! Yes she has past knee injuries but that doesn’t stop her from taking advantage of our rower!! One of the best low -non impact cardio equipment this side of Cali!!