Texas Skyz - Nigerian Dwarf Goats & More
Texas Skyz is a small family run farm that focuses on Quality Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats & Mini Rex Rabbits.
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Our bucks that will be siring kids for 2016-2017
Photos from Texas Skyz - Nigerian Dwarf Goats & More's post
Nice little polled buckling. I've been tempted to keep him for myself but I really need to thin out my buck herd. His dam was a great milker! She only had a single kid and was still easily milking 3lbs of milk daily at 81 days fresh. https://www.cdcb.us/cgi-bin/general/Qpublic/proc.Q.cgi… His dam also scored Excellent in Back & Rump on Linear Appraisal this year. http://adgagenetics.org/GoatDetail.aspx?RegNumber=D001533415 He is already ADGA registered. He was a bottle baby but now weaned. Very tame. He is a small guy but very correct. Located in San Antonio, Tx (78253) $500
Photos from Texas Skyz - Nigerian Dwarf Goats & More's post
3 SWEET English Lop Babies left. All are males. They are raised inside and super friendly. English Lops are a GIANT breed of rabbit. They are usually 10-15lbs full grown and males *typically* stay on the smaller end of that size range. $100 each
Photos from Texas Skyz - Nigerian Dwarf Goats & More's post
Red Standard (Large Fowl) Cochins ~ I have 3 hens and 1 Rooster. About 5 months old. Will only sell them all together. $60 for all 4. (Rooster is pictured). Also have a White and a Partridge Standard Cochin . Partridge I'm pretty sure is a Rooster. I'm not sure on the white. $10 each if purchased WITH the 4 reds.
Wood Bridge Farm Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Congratulations to Wood Bridge Farm!! Their doe kid, Spelling Bee, sold for an astounding $16,100 at the Colorana Sale !!! The highest bid ever recorded in an ADGA sale history- both Colorama and Spotlight Sale!!
Polled Registered Buckling "Texas Skyz LT Takashi" $500
Timeline Photos
Rooster ~ 3-4 months old. Hasn't started crowing yet. Just a standard "barnyard mix". $5
Photos from Texas Skyz - Nigerian Dwarf Goats & More's post
ADGA Registered Buckling "Texas Skyz S Wind-Up Toy" REALLY nice pedigree behind him! I'm surprised he is still here. His dam comes from a heavy Rosasharn pedigree. His Sire is out of a finished champion. Dam: Prairie Wood Genuine Treasure 1*M Dam's Sire: SG ++*B NC PromisedLand RC Bonafide *S Dam's Dam: Rosasharn BB Quartz Sire: Harlequin BH Setesh Sire's Sire: Harlequin RB Bubba Hotep *B Sire's Dam: MCH/CH Pecan Hollow SF Rain Dance He was bottle raised. Very tame. Disbudded. No scurs. Up to date on CD&T Vacccines & Cocci Prevention. He should stay on the smaller side as his dam is fairly petite. $400
Photos from Texas Skyz - Nigerian Dwarf Goats & More's post
SNEAK PEAK! English Lop Babies!! 5 will be available in 2-3 weeks for $100 each! Examples of our adult English Lops are in the comments.
Timeline Photos
Bantam Cochin PAIR (Hen/Roo) ~ $20 Hen should start laying in another 1 - 2 months *Will not split up*
Kid's of Spring 2016
Here are all of the kids that were born Jan. - May 2016. Most all are SOLD or RETAINED. Just a couple buckligns left. I thought you guys would enjoy all the pretty babies while we wait for fall kids to start arriving in September 2016!