Monterey County Sheriff's Office
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We made so many new friends at the fair this year and of course enjoyed fair food! This was the first time that K9 Hanna worked the Monterey County Fair. Hanna, along with her handler Lou, are volunteers on our Search and Rescue team. As you can see, Hanna enjoyed all the attention showered upon her, as well as all the treats. Sheriff Bernal stopped by to visit and several of our Explorers helped out at the booth as well. Until next year... DG
Please welcome our newest Deputies as we congratulate them on a job well done. On Thursday, they graduated from the academy after 6 intense months of training. We wish them well as they begin their law enforcement career in the Corrections Bureau. DG
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over! The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is teaming up with law enforcement nationwide during the 2019 Labor Day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over high-visibility enforcement campaign, which runs from August 14 through September 2, 2019. The enforcement campaign coincides with the 2019 Labor Day holiday weekend, which is one of the deadliest times of the year in terms of drunk-driving fatalities. • It is illegal to drive with a BAC of .08 or higher in CA. • It is illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana or other drugs(including some prescription drugs). • During the 2017 Labor Day holiday period (6 p.m. September 1 – 5:59 a.m. September 5), 36% of fatalities in traffic crashes involved a drunk driver. • On average, a DUI could set you back $10,000 in attorney’s fees, fines, court costs, lost time at work, higher insurance rates, car towing, and more. • If you see a drunk driver on the road, report it to law enforcement. • Have a friend who is about to drink and drive? Make arrangements to get your friend home safely. ML
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
Our Mounted Unit is patrolling the Laguna Seca Raceway this weekend, during the Rolex Monterey Motorsport Reunion. We patrol the parking lots and campgrounds making sure everyone is safe and parked cars are secure. We have an excellent viewing of parking lots from our horses backs. We helped a few lost people get back to their cars and passed out some sticker badges today. The majority of our Mounted Unit is comprised of volunteers alongside sworn deputies. ML
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
**NEWS RELEASE** On 5/13/2019, at approximately 6:00PM, a deputy at the Monterey County Jail located a letter addressed to an inmate containing orange colored strips hidden between the adhesive seam of an envelope. Suspects attempt to smuggle illicit drugs/contraband into the jail by having the sender hide it in the mail. The orange strips tested positive to be suboxone sublingual strips. Suboxone is a prescription medication that contains an opioid that can cause physical dependence with chronic use. The Classification Unit in the Monterey County Jail started an investigation on the possible suspect, Kayla Potter. She had been in custody at the Monterey County Jail previously, and was currently on probation with search and seizure conditions from prior drug related crimes. On 7/25/2019, at approximately 2:30PM, a probation search was completed by the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Monterey County Probation Department. The search led to identifying the suspected individual involved in mailing in Suboxone. The search revealed finding suboxone in the house, along with other controlled substances and other drug related paraphernalia. The primary suspect, Kayla Potter, a 31-year-old female was arrested for bringing a controlled substance into jail, possession/purchase for sale of a controlled substance, and selling a controlled substance in prison. A 29-year-old female named Vanessa Lopez, was also arrested at the residence of Kayla Potter for being under the influence of a controlled substance. A 26-year old male named Jake Osborn was arrested as well for possession of narcotic controlled substance. The Sheriff’s Office completed it’s investigation and the District Attorney’s Office has filed charges on: Kayla Potter for 664 / 4573(a)PC and 664 / 11351H&S, Shawn Case for 664 / 4573(a)PC and 664 / 11351H&S Joseph Thomas for 664 / 4573(a)PC and 664 / 11351H&S The investigation was completed by the Classification Unit deputies and a Criminal Analyst. Due to the ongoing opioid crisis and recent fentanyl issues, the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office is tracking down all leads of smuggling into the County Jail. We are taking a strong stance against the criminals that enable addiction and cause overdoses. Any crime tips may be reported . Anonymous tips may also be left by telephone at (888) 833-4847. JT/NK/ML
Monterey County Sheriff's Office
We don our mourning bands with broken hearts to honor California Highway Patrol Officer Andre Moye. Officer Moye was killed in the line of duty Monday afternoon in Riverside. Our condolences to his family, friends, and the entire California Highway Patrol Family. Our thoughts are also with the families of the officers who were injured.
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
Yesterday, Deputies stopped an SUV on Jolon Road in King City for multiple traffic violations. During the traffic stop, K9 Bond alerted to the odor of narcotics inside the SUV. Deputies searched the SUV and located multiple packages of heroin inside a hidden compartment. With the heroin, Deputies also located a .22 caliber handgun. There was approximately 9 ounces of heroin located, which would have been sold in our local neighborhoods. The driver of the SUV, Ruben Barraza, was placed under arrest and booked into the Monterey County Jail. 19-04722 ML
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
Welcome back to Monterey County, Explorer Post 511. Congratulations. We are very proud of all of you upon your graduation. His hard work, earned Explorer Salter Honor Student for Phase 1. Way to go ! Great job Explorer Lt. Banuelous for completing Phase 3. It wasn't easy: Daily they faced drill instructors, 13 hour days, lots of PT...but they all powered through and got the job done. Of course, they got to do all this in beautiful San Diego, CA ! It was great to have Cmdr. Banuelos and Deputy Day make the trek south and join them on Graduation Day. Until next year.... DG
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
As summer winds to a close so does “our show on the road” that took us from one end of the county to the other. Argos (sshhhh don’t let the other K9s know he had a ton of photos on his post) started it in Carmel Valley, then Bond continued at Castroville and Valter finished up in San Lucas. We threw in a photo of Roscoe. He wasn’t able to make it to Gonzales, but he gets an A for effort. He tried twice to make it down there but due to circumstances beyond his control, he was not able to. Thank you MCFL for inviting our K9 Deputies and their pups to read books about dogs at your branches as part of your Summer Reading Program. Literacy is important to us here at the Sheriff’s Office. It was very cool so see so many youngsters with their own library cards! #welovebooks DG
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
Ths determination on their faces says it all. As they wind down to graduation this Saturday, the Explorers go through the six station Obstacle Agility Course. DG
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
All in a days work. Checking in with the Explorers in San Diego to see how the week has been going. They received a warm welcome from their Drill Instructors-push ups! They had their PT testing, got in some Defensive Tactics & Arrest & Control training. Phase 1 Explorers had a Driving Under the Influence class where they learned how to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Tests; as well as how to access if a vehicle’s driver is driving under the influence. They also had the opportunity to put on a special set of googles to simulate a person under the influence and then had to do the walk and turn field sobriety testing. They learned the proper way to do evidence collection and an had an important class on sexual harassment. Sounds like our Lt. who is in Phase 3 got to do a bit more in depth training. He got to do a formation run, received training in Tactical Operations and performed in an ActiveShooter scenario. DG
Photos from Monterey County Sheriff's Office's post
The 36th Annual National Night Out (NNO)is one for the books. America’s Night Out Against Crime was alive and well in Prunedale thanks to the residents of North County. We want you to know we had as much fun as you all did tonight and it was great to be able to showcase all of our Special and Volunteer Units’ equipment and personnel for you. Thank you Prune Tree Shopping Center and Pacific Castle; for a fabulous venue. Thank you to our community partners: North County Fire Station #2, Pesante Road, California Highway Patrol, Monterey County Free Libraries-Castroville Branch, Castro Plaza Family Resource Center, Monterey County Health Department, Monterey County Animal Services. The generosity of our local businesses allowed us to provide great food, drink, and refreshments. Thank you to our business partners: El Super-Salinas; Prunetree Center: Starbucks, Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Safeway, J-V Liquors; Castroville: Castroville Chiropractic, Santa Fe, Round Table Pizza, & District 2 Supervisor John Phillips. In the spirit of community partnership; which is the main focus of NNO, the food we had left at the end of the event was taken to the Victory Outreach MIssion on Soledad Street in Salinas. #nationalnightout DG