Salem NailBar
Salem Nail Bar Specializes in providing basic manicure and pedicure treatments to the highly popular Gel Polish Manicures consisting of Shellac, OPI Gel.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS #dippingpowder #japaneserosegarden #red #salemnailbar #salemmassachusetts
#opidippingpowder #diptapperfect #opipowderperfection #opi #lincolnparkafterdark #salem @salemnailbar #
#opidippingpowder #opipowderperfection #opi #magalawine #salem #salemnailbar @salemnailbar
New Opi Dipping Powder System are now available at our salon. DIP.TAP.PERFECT... acrylics nails reinvented. Faster, easier odor-free gel-like shine and weeks of wear. Dries almost instantly, no light needed. Available in 24 iconic opi color. #opipowderperfection #diptapperfect #opidippingpowder #opi @salemnailbar
New Opi Dipping Powder System are now available at our salon. DIP.TAP.PERFECT... acrylics nails reinvented. Faster, easier odor-free gel-like shine and weeks of wear. Dries almost instantly, no light needed. Available in 24 iconic opi color. #opipowderperfection #diptapperfect #opidippingpowder #opi @salemnailbar
OPI Holiday 2017 Collection available both lacquer and gel color #💅🏻#opinewcollection #xoxoopi #loveopi #holiday2017collection #12colors #opi
#salemnailbar #neutralnails #essiegel #skinnydip #almondnails
#cateyenails @salemnailbar
#ombrenails #salemnailbar
OPI Iceland collection is here!! Available in Nail lacquer and gel color. #opiicelandfallwinter2017 #opi #gelcolor #naillacquer #salemnailbar #newcolors
#basiccoffinshape #salemnailbar #foilnailsdesign #
#salemnailbar #foilnails