Gilbert Chiropractic
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facebook.comHi Everyone! I have slacked off but now I am back! Each week I will go through a vertebra of the spine and tell you the organs it effects and if it is misaligned what the effects are. We are on: C3 The organs it effects: cheeks, outer ear, face, teeth, trifacial nerve, lungs The Subluxation Effects are: neuralgia, neuritis, acne, pimples, dry skin, and other conditions.
Don't forget the time change is this weekend. Take a look at this Farmer's Almanac article that recommends chiropractic to help with your new patterns. (Check out #9)
Hi Everyone! Every other week I will go through a vertebra of the spine and tell you the organs it effects and if it is misaligned what the effects are. C2 The organs it effects: eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, tongue, forehead, heart Subluxation (Misalignment) effects: sinus trouble, allergies, crossed eyes, deafness, eye troubles, fainting spells, seizures, and many other conditions.
Hi Everyone! Each week I will go through a vertebra of the spine and tell you the organs it effects and if it is misaligned what the effects are. C1 The organs it effects: Blood Supply to the head, pituitary glad, scalp, bones of the face, brain, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system and eyes. If Subluxated (Misaligned) effects are: headaches, migraines, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, nervous "breakdowns" anxiety, difficulty concentrating, ear infections, hormonal problems, menstrual difficulties, depression, "brain fog", low IQ, low resistance to disease, low overall brain function and digestive disorders.
Good for adults and kids alike, make time to read this -
Here's a great video from the show, The Doctors, about Dr. Travis' own back issue -
Gilbert Chiropractic will be closing for the day. Everyone please be safe out in the snow! We will reopen for regular scheduled hours tomorrow Tuesday, February 16th from 10-1 and 3-6.
As Superbowl 50 gets closer, have you ever wondered about the on field medical personnel?
Salem is getting it done! Patients can now park on Main Street and get into the office safely! Snow is gone...