Transit for Livable Communities
Transit for Livable Communities (TLC) is a non-profit working to reform Minnesota's transportation system. Through advocacy, organizing, and research, we promote a transportation system that encourages transit, walking, bicycling, and smart development.. + Advocacy
TLC links grassroots action with both short and long-term policy reform efforts. We educate key audiences, testify on transportation issues, monitor transportation news and trends, communicate with journalists, and team up with allies to achieve our shared goal- a balanced transportation system that encourages transit, walking, biking, and thoughtful development.
+ Grassroots Organizing
Transportation should serve communities, and communities should have a strong voice in transportation decisions. TLC works closely with people across the region, connecting them to opportunities to take action on transit, walking, bicycling, and development in their communities. TLC also issues action alerts and updates to thousands of dedicated e-activists across Minnesota.
+ Research
TLC’s policy briefs have helped a decade’s worth of thought- leaders can learn more about everything from road subsidies to transit developments in neighboring regions. TLC’s publications like The Myth of Free Parking, Citizen’s Agenda for Transportation in the Twin Cities, and Share the Road: Encouraging Bicycling and Walking in Minnesota help local leaders shift regional thinking about transportation in Minnesota.
+ Bike Walk Twin Cities
TLC is heading up an initiative to increase walking and bicycling in the Twin Cities region. Combining strategic partnerships with $21.5 million in federal grants, the effort aims to dramatically change how people get around.
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