RAVE Sports
RAVE Sports is the premier supplier of water recreation products. For the love of fun. Thank you for being a RAVE Fan!
We invite and encourage you to enjoy conversations, promotions and other activity you’ll find in this community. However, as we want this to be a positive experience for our fans and their families, photos, comments and other material deemed “unproductive,” by the RAVE team will be removed at our discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, vulgar language, disturbing photos, angry or aggressive behavior toward fellow fans of all ages, or our team members, and trolling of the community.
The comments posted on the page do not represent the opinions of RAVE Sports. The RAVE team reserves the right to exercise judgment of posts, photos and comments that are not in the spirit or best interest of our company’s values or our fans’ experiences here. Please note while this Facebook page is directed to US Fans, and contests and sweepstakes will be open to US residents only, we welcome all of our global fans.
For RAVE Sports customer service questions and comments, please contact us at http://www.ravesports.com/customer-support.html.
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