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Nemesis Strength & Conditioning

701 S 5th Ave, Safford, United States
Recreation & Fitness



Nemesis Strength & Conditioning is a premier functional fitness gym. Specializing in Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Speed, Strength, and Power.


RED Friday!!! 071417 Weightlifting: Snatch - Max Clean & Jerk - Max Powerlifting: Front Squat 3 @70% 3 @80% 3+@90% Hero WOD:

Blue Thursday! Wear your blue! 071317 Warm Up Weightlifting: Rest Powerlifting: Rest Metcon: Three rounds for time of: 30 power snatches 95/65 30 wall balls 20/14

Wednesday 071217 Portacool is fixed at the gym! Finally! Thanks for your patience guys. We've been working hard to improve things at the gym. (New weights, fix the floor, bathrooms, etc...) Torture for Wednesday Weightlifting: Power clean - 5x2 @75% Snatch balance - Max for day Clean pull - 3x3 @95% Powerlifting: Bench press 3 @70% 3 @80% 3+@90% Metcon: For Time: 2k Row 50 Kettlebell swings 53/35 10 Rounds of Cindy

Tuesday 071117 The gym will be open mid morning from 10 to 11 only. Sorry for any inconvenience. Early morning and evening hours remain the same. Warm up Weightlifting: Snatch - Work up to a 1 rep at 90 to 95% Clean and Jerk - Work up to a one rep @90 to 95% Powerlifting: Deads 3 @70% 3 @80% 3+@90% Metcon: Four rounds for time of: 400 meter run 15 deadlifts 225/155 15 bar facing burpees

Monday 071017 Warm Up Weightlifting: Power Snatch 5x2 @75% Jerk 5x2 @75% Snatch Pull 3x3 @95% Powerlifting: Back Squat 3 @70% 3 @80% 3+ @90% Metcon: For Time: 27-21-15-9 Double unders Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Overhead Squats (75/55)

Don't forget the muscle up clinic today at 9!

The gym will be closing at 6 tonight!

Remember the Muscle Up Clinic in the morning! 9:00 am! Gaethje fight tonight at Tommy and Kristina's!

RED Friday! Wear you Red shirts! Weightlifting: Snatch 4x1 @90% Clean and Jerk 4x1 @90% Powerlifting: Front Squats 3x2 @93% Hero: Jennifer Complete as many rounds as possible in 26 minutes of: 10 pull-ups 15 kettlebell swings, 53/35 lbs 20 box jumps, 24/20 inch box Canadian 1st Class Constable Jennifer Kovach of Guelph, Canada, died March 14, 2013, when her squad car was involved in a motor-vehicle accident while she was responding to a call for service. The 26-year-old fulfilled her dream of becoming a police officer serving her community and the Guelph Police Service for four years before her death. Kovach is survived by her mother, Gloria; father, Bill; brother, Brian; grandparents, Chester and Elvira Janicki; boyfriend, Kyle Schlosser; and many other friends and family.

The Athlete of the Month for July is Martin Throop!!! Martin puts in work every single day and he's a beast!!! I don't even think he knows how strong he really is! 😃 Congrats Martin!

"Blue Thursday"! Wear something Blue to show support for our Law Enforcement brothers and sisters! Weightlifting: Rest Day Metcon: Five rounds of: Four minute AMRAP: 3 Power snatch 135/95 5 KB Goblet Squats 53/35 7 Hand release push ups One minute rest

Wednesday 070517 Last day to pay your gym payments without a late fee! Weightlifting: Clean from blocks or mid hang 5x2 @70% Clean pulls 5x3 @95% Snatch balance max for day then 3x2 @80% Powerlifting: Deads 5 @65% 5 @75% 5+@85% Metcon: AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 10 air squats 20 walking lunges 30 sit ups


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