Sacramento Frei Fechter: Historical European Martial Arts
The Sacramento Frei Fechter: Historical European Martial Arts is a school focused on the teachings of Joachim Meyer as presented in his 1570 Art of Combat The Sacramento Frei Fechter are a HEMA School and part of the Meyer Frei Fechter Guild. We teach historical fencing based upon the works of Joachim Meyer, most notably his 1570 publication of The Art of Combat.
Our classes are geared towards both beginners in HEMA and experienced individuals who would like to focus on Meyer's branch of it. We train in primarily in the use of the longsword with dussack, sidesword and dagger supplementing our normal curriculum. Members of the school participate in regional historical fencing and martial art competitions throughout Northern California.
We meet at the Sacramento Turn Verein and are part of their Actives Section. On occasions when the Turn Verein is not available for our use we relocate to a local park for a bit of fresh air.
Our club was founded by Ted Elsner with the prompting of his friend Josh Bogin. Ted has a background in education with years of professional teaching experience and a Master's degree in education. He brings that knowledge with him as he works to create lessons that allow the beginner and experienced alike to experience Meyer's art. Early and influential members of the Sacramento Frei Fechter include Eric Smith and Alexander Snook, both of whom bring varied backgrounds in HEMA and Eastern Martial Arts.
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