Colleen King, LMFT
My passion is helping people manage anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder and create balance to live a joyful and fulfilling life!
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facebook.comWhy It Doesn’t Pay to be a People-Pleaser
If you focus on trying to make other people like you, you're missing out on learning to love yourself, and that's what really leads to happy relationships. #selflove #happinessrocks #getsupport
6 Steps to Beating Perfectionism
Am I a perfectionist? Yes, but didn't realize it until I opened my own private practice and began to learn a lot of new business skills, which meant failing sometimes. Learn to release perfectionism and you'll feel amazing weight lift! #reformedperfectionist #selflove #learntoletgo #getsupport
Dr. Dan Siegel
I love this visual about finding balance between rigid rules and chaotic overwhelm, both of which may limit our self-confidence and relationships.
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It's been a terrific day of learning about the latest treatments for mood disorders with colleagues, friends and family.
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The Annual Mood Disorders seminar at Stanford University includes symptoms and treatment specific to women. Developmental stages are extremely relevant to onset, type and treatment of mood disorders. #getsupport #mentalhealth #women
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Mood Disorders Educational Day speaker elaborates on suicide prevalence, 57% of all violent deaths in the world are suicides. #getsupport #treatmentb4tragedy #suicideprevention
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I'm excited to be at the Annual Mood Disorders Education Day to learn the latest updates on treatments and reconnect with my own doctors. #bipolar #depression #anxiety #getsupport
Body Image Movement
Get inspired to love all of yourself! #selflove #getsupport
Daily Practices for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Well-being
Attention to your whole health helps to ensure well-being. #getsupport #integrativehealth
Learn how to manage anger with my colleague Michelle Farris, LMFT. #angermanagement #women #mentalhealth
When bad news gets to be too much
If you're getting overwhelmed by world events and news, give yourself permission to practice moderation in watching, addressing the issues with compassion and openness, and positive self-care. #selfcare #peacebeginswithme
The Worst Part Of Schizophrenia Isn’t What You Think It Is
This is a fascinating look at the research local universities are doing to help people with schizophrenia manage the cognitive challenges of the illness. #schizophrenia #mentalhealth #getsupport