Challenge Camp
An ACA accredited enrichment day camp for bright curious children. Join us at School of the Holy Child in Rye, NY for our 35th summer of fun & learning! The Challenge Camp is celebrating its 35th year of offering summer enrichment learning opportunities for bright and curious children. We are dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities for children aged 4-14 to realize their intellectual and personal potential. Challenge Camp is an ACA accredited camp located in Rye, New York on 18 picturesque acres.
We offer over 100 courses ranging from 3D printing to architecture to chess to cooking to magic to model rocketry to video production and many options in between. There are also sports options as part of the Afternoon Challenge as we encourage students to challenge both their mind and body. We also offer bus transportation, early drop-off /extended day, or Kosher lunch options for families that require flexibility.
Please visit or call the camp office (914) 779-6024 to learn more about our innovative program.
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