First Presbyterian Church Rome, NY
FPC Rome exists to grow in understanding of Christ, spread His word, and serve our church family, community and world through compassion, kindness and love We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in the USA.
Organized in 1800 as the First Religious Society of Rome, we are an open and inclusive fellowship, welcoming everyone and reaching out into our community.
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facebook.comBring A Can to School Day / Bring A Can to Homecoming Football Game / Rome-Area Hunger Walk The Rome Public and Parochial School Districts will be collecting non-perishable boxed and canned goods for the Rome-Area Hunger Walk on Wednesday, October 4 through Friday, October 6. The public is welcome to bring donations to the RFA Varsity Football Homecoming Game versus Christian Brothers Academy (Syracuse, NY) on Friday, October 6 @ 7pm. The annual walk, to raise funds to support agencies in the Rome area that provide services to families in our community who are struggling to find food, shelter and employment, will take place on Sunday, October 15, 2017 and begins and ends at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 502 W Chestnut St in Rome. Registration is at 1pm and the Walk begins at 2pm. Ninety percent of the funds raised will be divided equally between the following agencies and programs: Rome Salvation Army, Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen, Rome Catholic Charities, Rome Rescue Mission, In Mission of the Christ Child (St. Peter’s Catholic Church), Foothills Rural Ministry (Holland Patent), and St. Joseph’s Food Pantry (Lee Center). A 10% donation to CWS will be made for national and global disaster relief efforts. Anyone who wishes to walk can join a team at their church, school or organization. If your group does not have a team, the Rome-Area Hunger Walk Coordinating Team urges you to start one. For more information, or to get a donation envelope and raise funds, call 336-1380 or email
Disaster relief is long-term! And Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is there for the long haul. Don't forget that at any time you can go to to get information, to donate to relief efforts, to learn about work to support in prayer, and to read stories of hope.
Please join us this evening at 7pm in our Sanctuary for our September Healing Service. Everyone from our community is welcome. Intentions at the service may be of a personal nature, but those attending are also invited to include needs for family, friends & community including: physical or spiritual healing, disabled by injury or illness, troubled by confusion or pain, increasing years bring weariness, undergo surgery, and fatigue. This service is for everyone regardless of religious background or affiliation
Below is the link for the Assessment Survey and it is open to all congregation members and those who worship regularly here at 1st Pres Rome. Remember that your answers remain anonymous and link expires on October 08. Please make every effort to complete before that time. Thanks
Thoughts from a pastor who is trying to stay in the middle and connect people by virtue of our common baptism and presence at the Lord's Table. Much needed work in these divided times.
THANK YOU to everyone who made today's UNITY IN OUR COMMUNITY presentation, "The Rights We Take for Granted", such an awesome event!! Special thanks to Helen Adsit, for an informative and creative program!!
We are preparing to renovate the chapel, getting rid of the pews and getting chairs to make use of the space more flexible. We have 20 10-foot pews available, plus 4 bench seats, a kneeling bench and the modesty panels in front of the pews. If you would like any of these items, make us an offer! Contact us at 315-336-1380 or
Church World Service is working with other relief agencies in the aftermath of the hurricanes. Here is a link to their work and ways you can help.