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Corn Fusion, LLC

460 Worldchangers Ln, Rock Hill, United States
Outdoor gear/sporting goods



Corn Fusion is the product of a dream, from a blue collar, avide hunter.  When it first started in 2009 Jason had a business partner.  Unfortinately the partner tried to take the company behind his back.  We fought to get it back.  It has been a long battle and Jason finally is now the owner of Corn Fusion along with his wife Donna.  They have three sons, all of which take after Jason by staying in the woods (or at the river) as much as possible.  It is Donna's dream to make Jason's dream come try by making this business a success.  It may take us a little time but hopefully Corn Fusion will be a name that is thought of when you think of going out for your next big game animal.


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