Studio Joy
Studio Joy is fitness and wellness facility with a strong focus on improving your core strength with Pilates and other current fitness activities.
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Happy Friday!!!! See you tomorrow @anthro_walnutcreek 8:30am!Don't forget to bring your mat! #morningpilates #mimosas #privateshopping #freeevent #shoppingmecca #walnutcreek #instatakeover #empoweringwomen #collaboration #community #studiojoypilates
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My good friend @lindsaymichaelstudio helped create these beautiful boards for our studio. We use them to share a new message each week to lift our spirits and create positive affirmations to manifest change in our lives~ Your BODY believes what your MIND tells it! There is compelling scientific research showing the mind and body are functionally inseparable. Free yourself from negative self talk. Allow the good in! This takes practice. Start small, take a deep breathe, "I'm grateful for...."
Timeline Photos maybe not everyday would you find me in nature stretching out (I wish), but this was a fun way to spend time with my friend and photographer @lovegrace_imagery . We are both nature freaks, hippies at heart, and lovers of anything @anthro_walnutcreek !!! Sign up for our free event this Saturday May 20th 8:30am for Mat Pilates followed by Mimosas and private shopping!!!
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|| A flower does not think to compete with the flower next to it. It just BLOOMS || • I'm so excited to be participating in an Instagram take over for @anthro_walnutcreek with an empowering group of women. Make sure you follow along to see our stories unfold. • @stylebyangieq @unionstronghome @bmaddendesign @lindsaymichaelstudio @lovegrace_imagery
Move of the week...Side Over Variations!!! • I'm smiling because summer is coming, kids are almost out of school, and I love Pilates😀😀😀 • Try to keep leg in strap still, shoulders back, and squeeze the obliques😎😎😎
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...because when you stop and look around life is pretty amazing~
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Go Veronica!!! Running in the half marathon today for Rina's Run! • #rinasrun2017 #community #marathon #pilatesforrunners #healthylifestyle #fitness #studiojoypilates
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May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, love. It is there for each and every one of us. -Mother Teresa • • • This quote spoke to me today. As Moms, and as women, we support each other, and lift each other up. The saying "it takes a village" is true. However, our village is filled with strong women, who don't have all the answers, but are brave enough to try! Cheers to a Happy Mother's Day weekend filled with L O V E and J O Y!!!
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How do these ladies get to Pilates class at 5:30AM and still S M I L E??!!😄😄😄 #momsaresuperheroes #selfcare #happylife #strength #pilateslovers #studiojoypilates
Move of the week....SKATER!!! • We love any variation of side legs to tone and burn our lovely gams. Moving at a quicker pace to charge up the heart rate and added hand weights for extra fun😉 The coordination of this flow will keep your mind and body in check✔️ • Thank you @anthro_walnutcreek for carrying comfortable activewear! I'm going to live in these leggings😄
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You are free . You are powerful . You are good . You are love . You have value . You have purpose . All is well . - Abraham Hicks
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Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!!!! See you tomorrow for Tacos 🌮 and Pilates @12 noon-2pm Studio Joy!