Hop Jack's "A Neighborhood Gathering Place"
Hop Jack's "A Neighborhood Gathering Place!" In August 2009, owner Mark Eggen and his team opened the first Hop Jack’s in Bonney Lake, Washington. The mission was to “create a fresh, delicious and fun experience for guests while excelling in hospitality and supporting the needs of the community.”* Mark, a family man with many years in the restaurant business, wanted to work for himself and create a restaurant & atmosphere where his family and team members could make a good living and enjoy a comfortable life.
The Hop Jack’s menu is casual and fun offering a variety of hand crafted appetizers, entrees and desserts. Hop Jack’s unique beverage menu boasts of classic & specialty cocktails including real fruit icy drinks, served in a glass made of ice and iced beer taps, (literally the tap extensions from the bar are encased in ice!
Hop Jack’s is owned and operated by the Eggen family and a wonderfully fun, professional, and a bit crazy, operations team. Together, this dynamic, winning crew has hundreds of years of restaurant management experience. Visit a Hop Jack’s today, we look forward to serving you!
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facebook.comSay YES to Beers, Beards & Melts all NO-vember long at Hop Jack's! Show off your beard with a Hop Jack's beer, post it on Instagram or Facebook and hashtag or tag Hop Jack's! Each post will enter you to win a Hop Jack's gift card! #hopjacks #NovemberatHopJacks #sayyestobeardsbeersandmelts #hopjacksicecoldbeer #hopjacksentertowin #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #hopjacksnovemberspecials #beersandbeards
Guess who this is!? it's our own Ashley Marion demonstrating Hop Jack's personal protection equipment on our first day of training in Snohomish! Our Snohomish Hop Jack's opens this Monday November 6th at 11am! #bestteammembers #safetyathopjacks #hopjackssnohomish #snohomishhopjacks #safetyfirst
Birthday happiness at Hop Jack's! Happy 23rd Birthday to Bonney Lake guest Rachel! #bestguests #hopjacksbirthdays #bonneylakehopjacks #hopjacks #bonneylake #birthdaysathopjacks #happybirthday
Halloween shenanigans at our Happy Valley Hop Jack's! A shout out thank you to all who visited us yesterday! #somuchfun #besthalloweenever #bestteammembers #bestguests #hopjacks #hopjackaneighborhoodgatheringplace #happyvalleyhopjacks
Happy Halloween from the zombies at Spokane Northpointe & from all of us at Hop Jack's! #spokane #happyhalloween #hopjacks #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #halloweenathopjacks #zombiesdohopjacks #hopjacksspokane
This is Matt & his favorite meal is a Big Tony's BBQ Mac! #bestteammembers #spokanenorthpointe #hopjacks #Jalapenocreamcheese burger #teriyakiburger #hopjacksaneighborhodgatheringplace #icydrinks #icecoldbeer #angusbeefburgers
A shout out thank you to our awesome guests at the Richland, WA Hop Jack's! Because of you we raised $617 for Corks Chaplaincy. Cork's Place provides a safe and supportive environment for children, teens and families who are grieving a death. We appreciate your support! #bestguests #hopjacks #hopjacksrichland #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #hopjacksgoodneighborfund
Congratulations to our Apple Cup TEXT TO WIN winner Morgan Simmons! Morgan will be going to the Apple Cup on November 25th! A shout out thank you to all of our guests who entered and to Alaskan Brewing's Husky IPA celebrating fall football season at Hop Jack's! #bestguests #huskyfootball #cougarfootball #applecup2017 #hopjacks #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #footballathopjacks #winningathopjacks
Hanna and Aaron are celebrating Blue Friday at Hop Jack's at Spokane Northpointe! Join us for the game this Sunday & Go. Hawks! #gohawks #bluefriday #hopjacksspokane #spokanenorthpointe #bestteammembers #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #hopjacks
We are on site and NOW HIRING for our new Lakewood location! Do you have a passion for people, great food, ice cold microbrews and cocktails with character? If you do, then Hop Jack's is the place for you! We are currently hiring all Front of House and Heart of House positions for our newest location in Lakewood opening on November 13th. All applicants must have at least 1 year previous experience working in a similar restaurant concept. Weekend and evening availability is a must. Training is MANDATORY and will take place the week of November 6th through November 12th. Hop Jack's is a family owned Restaurant Company that strives to be each neighborhood's favorite gathering place. We work on building a foundation of trust with our team, our guests and all the folks we do business with. As a company we provide: · A consistent schedule and clear expectations · An opportunity for growth throughout the company · A competitive wage plus tips! Paychecks are paid out weekly! We insist each team member be: Guest Focused, Team Oriented, Results Driven. Please submit an application online at hopjacks.net You can also apply in person. Interviewers will be on site Monday through Friday from 9a-6p. Hop Jack's Lakewood Town Center 5820 SW Main Street Lakewood, WA 98499 #nowhiring #lakewoodhopjacks #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #hopjackslakewood
Hungry? Rusty has you covered! #bestteammembers #spokanehopjacks #beercheesechickensandwich #buffalochickenwrap #chickenstrips #spokanehopjacks #spokanenorthpointe #chicken #fulltray
We have a new "certified" host in the Hop Jack's family! Congratulations to Gabby at Spokane Valley! #bestteammembers #hopjacksspokane #hopjacksaneighborhoodgatheringplace #spokanevalleyhopjacks #spokanewa #hopjacksteam